Can you do self-perineal care?

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birthing class 2-21

Now that you have had your baby – self perineal care is needed. Do you know what to expect? Which answer is incorrect, or do you need to take my class?

  • You will bleed for approximately 6 weeks. The blood will be dark red in color.
  • You will have bleeding for approximately 6 weeks, the blood is called Lochia and is bright red in the beginning.
  • You should not see any blood clots.
  • You may see some small clots this is normal 
  • It is normal to have a moderate/amount of bleeding when you go from a lying to a standing position.
  • If you have a constant heavy blood flow that saturates your pad, seek medical assistance 

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Happy New Year – you are 39 weeks pregnant

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lactation support

Happy New Year – you are 39 weeks pregnant, so tired,  just want to have this baby already.  You want to self induce labor. Do you know what method can be used to do this. Which method below is not and never should be used or considered!

– Checking with your Ob/Midwife to confirm your gestation age and the safety of going into labor.

– Use of nipple stimulation

– Castor oil

– Herbal remedies

– Over the counter medication 

– Sexual Intercourse 

– Soap Suds Enema

* Please don’t forget to enjoy the end of your pregnancy, your significant other and take some ME TIME – Please don’t forget to take my class! 

Babies DO come with Instructions

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It’s time, you are in the process of having your baby – now what?

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birthing class nov 2021

It’s time, you are in the process of having your baby. Your provider tells you to experience something known as “The Ring of Fire.”  Do you know what she is referring too? Can you pick out the incorrect statement below?

  • Once your baby has been delivered you will feel a strong burning sensation to your vaginal area.
  • It’s a feeling created when the baby is crowning –when the head is pushing and stretching the vaginal opening.
  • The burning feeling that you get in your vagina as it starts to stretch in order to allow your baby to exit the birth canal.
  • Perineal massage during your antepartum can help reduce the pain from “The Ring Of Fire” during birth possibly

If you have taken my class you would this answer.  Sign up take my class and be prepared! 

Once you have delivered

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Once you have delivered your newborn, discharge to home from a hospital usually will be >24 hours to 3 days postpartum depending on how you delivered and if there were any ongoing medical concerns.  You must have a car seat in order to be discharged.  Assembling a car seat  can be challenging. Which statement below is accurate.

  • You can go to your neighborhood fire department station and they will assist you
  • The fire departments are no longer trained to help you with the car seat
  • The facility you gave birth at will help you assemble the car seat and help you put your baby in the car seat. 
  • Related to liability and risk factors staff members are not allowed to assist you with the car assembly or putting the newborn in the car seat.

At the Birthing Center Of NY classes we help you be prepared for labor, delivery and postpartum. How to care for yourself and your newborn, practical tips. We provide you with information you need to know. Take my class and be prepared!

Babies DO come with Instructions

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You have a lot of things to think about

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post partum and breastfeeding classes at birthing center of ny

Congratulations on your pregnancy.  You have a lot of things to think about!  Do you know how to prepare yourself for breastfeeding?  Which statement is incorrect?

  • Get your breast pump and learn how to operate it.
  • Choose a Lactation Consultant. 
  • Wash your breasts daily using soap, lifting up the breast and wash underneath it.
  • Never use soap on the breast it causes the skin to dry and crack .  Only use water and air dry.
  •  Take lactation classes to better prepare yourself. 

Yes!  Breast milk is best – but what do you do if you are unable or having difficulty?  Take my class and learn more about feeding your newborn!

Babies DO come with Instructions

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What is a sunny side up baby?

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You are full-term and your provider has informed you  your baby’s head is in a posterior position, will likely be born facing the sun.  You are advised to use a peanut ball .  Do you know  about the Peanut Ball or do you need to take my class?

  1. The peanut ball widens the pelvis, which may encourage a baby in the sunny-side-up position to rotate to face down, thereby making the birth process easier.
  1. Decrease fatigue – labor and delivery can be rather strenuous.  Some women have said using a peanut ball helped them to rest and relax.  
  1. If you have a hip, pelvic, or pubic bone injury, or have had one in the past, a peanut ball may not be appropriate for you.
  1. A peanut ball actually has no effect on the body, it’s merely for comfort only.

Babies DO come with Instructions

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Trying to initiate labor on your own?

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register for birthing class

You are now 41 plus weeks pregnant “postdates”- you are interested in trying to initiate labor on your own.  You should collaborate with your physician/midwife to ensure you have no relative contraindications, (make sure your baby is moving well and no heartrate abnormalities, etc.), you are ready to initiate labor on your own hopefully!

Can you pick out the acceptable methods that may be used and statements that may be true?



•Nipple stimulation



•Castor oil

•Spicy foods

•Waiting for labor spontaneously


•have your significant other stretch your vaginal muscles

•Providers do not encourage you to even attempt to self induce labor before 39 weeks gestation

Babies DO come with Instructions

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Voted 3 times DIME Best of Brooklyn Award!

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2021 best of brooklyn

Our Nurse Jackie is THE BEST birthing class teacher in the business! Her classes on Childbirth, Baby Care, Basic Life Support, Breast-feeding and Hypno-Birthing have helped hundreds of couples with their new born babies!

Thinking of a Natural Childbirth? Want a COVID SAFE delivery? Than consider taking a tour of The Birthing Center of NY. We Deliver Naturally – The Way Nature Intended!

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2021: Brooklyn Voted Birthing Center of NY – Nurse Jackie Chapman/Childbirth Educator Best OBGYN Obstetrics and Gynaecology!

Birthing Center of NY – Nurse Jackie Chapman/Childbirth Educator
6700 3rd Ave
(929) 888-6996 –

Childbirth and the months leading up to that magical moment is often full of new discoveries. New discoveries about your body and what it is capable of creating. The Birthing Center of New York, the largest and newest free standing natural birthing facility in Brooklyn, allows new mothers to explore their bodies and ask questions of the professional staff. Thanks to the leadership of Nurse Jackie Chapman — with her more than 43 years of nursing experience in labor and delivery and specialty in high-risk obstetrics — clients are sure to receive the best care they possibly can.

2020: Brooklyn Voted Nurse Jackie Chapman/Childbirth Educator – Birthing Center of NY Best OBGYN Obstetrics and Gynaecology!

Nurse Jackie Chapman/Childbirth Educator – Birthing Center of NY
6702 3rd Ave
(929) 888-6996 –

Childbirth and the months leading up to that magical moment is often full of new discoveries. New discoveries about your body and what it is capable of creating. The Birthing Center of New York, the largest and newest free standing natural birthing facility in Brooklyn, allows new mothers to explore their bodies and ask questions of the professional staff. Thanks to the leadership of Nurse Jackie Chapman — with her more than 42 years of nursing experience in labor and delivery and specialty in high-risk obstetrics — clients are sure to receive the best care they possibly can.

2018: Brooklyn Voted New Life Obstetrics and Gynecology (OBGYN) – Sunset Park Best OBGYN Obstetrics and Gynegology!

New Life Obstetrics and Gynecology (OBGYN) – Sunset Park
634 59th Street (718) 567-0730
New Life Obstetrics and Gynecology is comprised of a team of dedicated healthcare professionals committed to providing you with healthcare that is comprehensive, up-to-date and integrative in its approach to gynecological and obstetrical services. New Life OBGYN strives to provide culturally competent healthcare to its patients throughout the stages of their lives. New Life’s certified nurse midwife is skilled in caring for women pre-conceptually, during the pregnancy, counseling on breastfeeding and postpartum care; she is equally skilled at providing routine gynecological services. The Sunset Park facility believes strongly in diet, exercise, stress management and balance in achieving and maintaining health. When that alone fails, the staff at New Life employs evidence based approaches and apply their experience to disease management.

Your body and its changes during pregnancy

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Right Occiput Posterior

You will find your body going through some changes.  The skin will stretch to accommodate the growth of your abdomen as well as your breasts.  With these changes you may exhibit some color changes, like dark patches of skin on your face.  These patches are sometimes called the “Mask of Pregnancy”.  You may exhibit a line running down the middle of your abdomen between your belly button and your pubic area.  This line is called Linea Nigra or the “pregnancy line” .  The increase in your melanin production is what makes the skin change during pregnancy.  This change occurs during your second trimester.  Can you choose the fact below that is incorrect?

·         The Linea Nigra is not harmful to you or your baby so it does not need medical treatment

·         After birth of the baby the linea nigra line should start to fade – it may not disappear completely. 

·         You should wear sunscreen whenever you are out in the sun exposing your belly and other areas of your skin

·         The dark line running down the middle of your stomach could tell your baby gender – if it runs to your belly button, well it’s a girl and if it keep going all the way to your ribs then it’s a boy!

·         Do not use any kind of bleaching cream during your pregnancy or while you are breastfeeding.  It can be harmful to your baby.

Not Sure?

Than you need to take our birthing classes!

Babies DO come with instructions.

Register here for our VIRTUAL or Classroom classes

Its HOT in here!

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As the weather changes from cold to mild to hot- One may wonder how do I dress my newborn.  Can I use a fan with the baby in the room.  What is the easiest way to tell if my baby is to hot or too cold.  How do I  tell if my baby is too hot?  Your baby may have flushed cheeks. Feel the nape of the neck to see if it feels sweaty or too cold to the touch.  Over heated babies may have sweating and fast breathing. Which statements below are untrue?

·         When dressing a baby the general rule – dress the baby in as many layer as you have on and then add one more layer.

·         Never ever use a fan in the room with a newborn it can cause pneumonia.

·         Babies that sleep in a less ventilated room sleeping with a fan – lower the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

Leaving the ceiling fan on a low setting is not going to cause a cold. Baby should be at least swaddled or in a sleeping sack , socks or booties. Most of the newborn heat escapes from the head as well as their tiny little feet.

Make sure your infant is always dry because damp clothing can cause hypothermia.

Use good parenting judgment-  too hot or not too hot?  Consider the temperature outside.

Not Sure?

Than you need to take our birthing classes!

Babies DO come with instructions.

Register here for our VIRTUAL or Classroom classes