Why Does Breastfeeding Hurt?

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You are in the process of breastfeeding. Ouch!  It’s hurting. You need to re-latch baby to the breast. Which way is the correct way?  Ah, sign up for my class!

  • Grip the upper and lower breast and wiggle the breast until the breast is out the infants mouth.
  • Place your pinky finger in the side of the infants mouth, this will cause the infant’s mouth to open.
  • Pinch the infants nose until the infants mouth open up.
  • Wait until the infant opens his mouth on his own.

Register today for our baby care birthing class!

Should i get a flue shot if i am pregnant?

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when to goto the birthign center

Today’s number one question! You are pregnant and are unsure if you should take the Flu Vaccine. Straight from CDC – Center of Disease Control –

Why should pregnant people get a flu shot?

  • Influenza is more likely to cause illness that results in hospitalization in pregnant people than in people of reproductive age who are not pregnant. 
  • Influenza also may be harmful for the developing baby.
  • A common influenza symptom, fever, has been associated in some studies with neural tube defects and other adverse outcomes for a developing baby.
  • Getting vaccinated while pregnant also can help protect a baby from influenza after birth (because antibodies are passed to a developing baby during pregnancy).
  • People who get the influenza vaccine while pregnant or breastfeeding also develop antibodies against influenza that they can share with their infants through their breast milk.

We are entering a New Year. Let’s be safe medically as well as physically.  

The Birthing Center of NY  wishes you all a prosperous and Happy New Year!

Jacqueline Ann Chapman 

Every persons body is different!

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when to goto the birthign center

You are full term, 40 weeks gestation and in active labor (more than 4 cm cervical dilation, cervix is soft and thinning (effacement) and the baby’s head is low in the pelvis. Less than 5 cm usually means you are still in the “latent” or early stage of labor and this can take 1-2 days sometimes.  However if you are contracting consistently every 2-3 minutes, 60 seconds is the length of time the contraction lasts and this is going on for hours – it is possible there is something not average going on even at this stage (like the head is not dropping or positioned correctly or sometimes the head just isn’t fitting).

Remember every person’s body is different and every labor is different. The GENERAL progression of labor is you move approximately 1cm per hour (if this is not your first labor), but possibly every 2 hours (if this is your first time in active labor) can be within average range as well. A rate slower than 1cm per hour could be effected by which of the following?

  • An epidural was placed
  • Inadequate contractions 
  • Advanced maternal age
  • History of previous births 
  • Obesity
  • Position of the baby, example Occiput Posterior (OP) (some refer to this as “sunnyside up” or baby’s looking up at the ceiling so the baby’s back is facing the maternal back
  • Lack of pain control (not relaxing which causes the baby’s head to fail to descend “drop”)

Babies DO come with Instructions

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Babies are overwhelming!

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You find yourself overwhelmed. You feel you can no longer give emotional, physical, spiritual and loving care to your newborn. Which statement below is correct? 

  1. In year 2000 the Abandoned infant Protection Act was formed
  2. Abandoned Infant Protection is also known as Safe Haven Law
  3. Safe Haven Law covers from baby’s birth until 30 days of life
  4. Safe Haven locations include of any place able to care for the newborn such as hospitals, police stations, etc. 
  5. You can leave a child as long as the parent immediately notifies a person of the infant’s location.
  6. If you follow any of the above you do not have to leave your name or identity  you are protected from any wrongful act.
  7. You have from day of baby birth to 60 days of baby’s life to be protected under the Safe Haven Law.

Let’s keep our newborn safe and protected.  You can start by taking a complete 5 hr class at The Birthing Center of NY!  Yes- doing the class we teach Newborn Safety, it’s just that important!

Babies DO come with Instructions

Click HERE to Register Today for your Birthing Class!

Your delivery is precious

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This week’s Nurse Jackie Hint is a learning experience. Your delivery is very precious. You would like nothing more than having a video of your birth. Majority of hospitals only allow pics and no video. Video can  be misleading without an explanation or you can eliminate scenes that are crucial and in need or explanation .Watch this video of me bowling, how confident I am, how I bowl so well. I hit a strike. I’m so good. What you fail to see is I only hit 2 strikes the whole game and a whole lot gutters .  This is not shown in the video. The video is actually misleading.  Hence this is why videos are not allowed in a delivery room. This is and example hoping to enlighten your understanding. Wishing you all the best!

Click to download

Whats better than breastfeeding?

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Breastfeeding is the ideal method of providing nourishment to your newborn.  There are however sometimes obstacles medically or other situations that may prevent one from breastfeeding.  Which ways are acceptable alternatives to breastfeeding your newborn. Which answer is incorrect?

  • Bottle feeding
  • Spoon feeding 
  • Bulb syringe feeding 
  • Feeding Syringe
  • Finger feeding
  • Cup feeding 

Babies DO come with Instructions

Click HERE to Register Today for your Birthing Class!

Your BOTH expecting!

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Congratulations!  Did you know this pregnancy, laboring and delivery is as much your responsibility as it is the partner’s.  Partner involvement and bonding is so very important.  Can you choose which ways a partner can bond with the newborn?

-initiate skin to skin  after birth and mommy has done her “Hour Of Power” by skin to skin and breastfeeding with the newborn.

-Place you pointer finger in the palm of your newborn baby hand and experience the grip, the hold of this newborn.

-Take paternity leave if you are able.

-Give the newborn the bath-sing ,talk and playing with the baby.

-Just watching your partner give love, care and comfort to your newborn is enough!!

Babies DO come with Instructions

Click HERE to Register Today for your Birthing Class!

Babies Do come with instructions!

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bcny the tools you need to take care of your new baby

At the The Birthing Center of NY – Did you know you are sent home with the tools to help you with natural childbirth?

What tools do we give you? Take my class to see how we help you.

Go to our website www.NYBirthingCenter.com and schedule a class. I will telephone you to set up a time and date! 

Babies DO come with Instructions

Click HERE to Register Today for your Birthing Class!

Ouch! That Hurts!

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register for birthing class

You are breastfeeding your newborn and experiencing pain because the baby has an improper latch.  You should remove the baby from the breast and  replace the baby back on the breast with use of proper latching.  

How do you  remove the baby from the breast? 

  • With your  pointer finger (index) and your thumb, squeeze the breast and pull the baby off the breast.
  • Pinch baby nose until he/she opens the mouth .
  • With a clean pinky finger slide your finger in the baby mouth , on the side of the jaw  pass the lips and press down on your breast. When the baby open up the mouth remove from the breast.
  • While moving your breast back and forth remove baby from the breast. 

Breast feeding takes a lot of patience and time .  Take my classes and learn the art of breastfeeding! 

Babies DO come with Instructions

Click HERE to Register Today for your Birthing Class!

Do you need a Birthing Class?

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register for birthing class

This week’s Nurse Jackie Hints will address many of the questions you have concerning taking my class. 

  • Classes are held at The Birthing Center Of NY and you do not have to be  client/ patient of ours to take the class, we do allow for Virtual classes at added cost and you must purchase your own supplies for the class (in-person we provide)
  • Ideally you should be around 27 weeks pregnant but you can take my class even at 41 weeks if you desire as long as you have no signs of labor 
  • You do not need a partner for the class, but we do suggest signing them up if they will be with you during labor 
  • Sorry no pets allowed, children are not allowed (we need you to focus 100% on the class)
  • There are no VIPs in my class – however if you have special needs, I will attempt to accommodate you, within reason – we are a healthcare facility therefore what happens here must comply with Department of Health guidelines
  • Hands on and practice is used as a teaching tool and pictures are taken throughout the class and sent back to your cell phone- consent is obtained first
  • Open communication, discussions,  questions and participation is a must!
  • Covid screening within 72 hours of the class is required and masking during the class as well
  • Class completion certificate is awarded. 
  • Bathroom and mini kitchenette with microwave and fridge are available should you wish to bring your own snacks and liquids for the class. 
  • Fun and laughter and good attitude are a must to bring with you! 
  • Must be able to have the  ability to relax,  enjoy yourself and  be prepared for whatever this bundle of joy will have in store for you!
  • We encourage you to stay hydrated doing the class so please bring your own hydration 
  • Classes can be scheduled any day of the week and non-major holidays 
  • We do take pictures with your consent throughout the class and we send them to you via text message.  What a joyful memory.

Special Free Bonus for a limited time only- don’t miss it!  Makes a great gift as well! 

Free American Heart Association Infant Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and Choking Infant Resuscitation – offered at the end of a 5 hr class only.  Classes must be paid for prior to date of class and no refunds for no-show client.  Cancellations and rescheduling greater than 24 hours before required for full refund or suspension of penalty.  

Call and schedule an appointment – looking forward to having you in my class!

Babies DO come with Instructions

Click HERE to Register Today for your Birthing Class!