Babies are overwhelming!

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You find yourself overwhelmed. You feel you can no longer give emotional, physical, spiritual and loving care to your newborn. Which statement below is correct? 

  1. In year 2000 the Abandoned infant Protection Act was formed
  2. Abandoned Infant Protection is also known as Safe Haven Law
  3. Safe Haven Law covers from baby’s birth until 30 days of life
  4. Safe Haven locations include of any place able to care for the newborn such as hospitals, police stations, etc. 
  5. You can leave a child as long as the parent immediately notifies a person of the infant’s location.
  6. If you follow any of the above you do not have to leave your name or identity  you are protected from any wrongful act.
  7. You have from day of baby birth to 60 days of baby’s life to be protected under the Safe Haven Law.

Let’s keep our newborn safe and protected.  You can start by taking a complete 5 hr class at The Birthing Center of NY!  Yes- doing the class we teach Newborn Safety, it’s just that important!

Babies DO come with Instructions

Click HERE to Register Today for your Birthing Class!

Your delivery is precious

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This week’s Nurse Jackie Hint is a learning experience. Your delivery is very precious. You would like nothing more than having a video of your birth. Majority of hospitals only allow pics and no video. Video can  be misleading without an explanation or you can eliminate scenes that are crucial and in need or explanation .Watch this video of me bowling, how confident I am, how I bowl so well. I hit a strike. I’m so good. What you fail to see is I only hit 2 strikes the whole game and a whole lot gutters .  This is not shown in the video. The video is actually misleading.  Hence this is why videos are not allowed in a delivery room. This is and example hoping to enlighten your understanding. Wishing you all the best!

Click to download

An Extended Fathers Day Ceelbration

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The Birthing Center hope All the Fathers to be had a great Father’s Day.  We at the Birthing Center would like to give our father’s a little gift!

We have provided a list of things you can do as a father  during your significant others pregnancy, laboring, birth and post delivery- Wishing you all the best!

  • While pregnant gently rub her belly in a circular motion, sing , talk or read to the baby.
  • Do the chores such as cooking, cleaning the house and shopping 
  • Pay a little extra attention to her
  • Provide whatever she needs for her “to-go” bag
  • Cut the newborn umbilical cord
  • Do skin to skin with the newborn 
  • Stroke the infant’s cheek to initiate sucking reflex for breastfeeding and do it again as needed if the baby stops sucking.
  • Play with baby’s feet to wake up the baby if the baby falls asleep while breastfeeding 
  • Bring her fluids and snacks while she is breast feeding 
  • Sit and keep her company while she is breast feeding 
  • Provide her with some ME TIME every day
  • Understand this entire process is all about Team Work!

Happy Father’s Day- Welcome to the world of Fatherhood

Babies DO come with Instructions

Click HERE to Register Today for your Birthing Class!

Whats better than breastfeeding?

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Breastfeeding is the ideal method of providing nourishment to your newborn.  There are however sometimes obstacles medically or other situations that may prevent one from breastfeeding.  Which ways are acceptable alternatives to breastfeeding your newborn. Which answer is incorrect?

  • Bottle feeding
  • Spoon feeding 
  • Bulb syringe feeding 
  • Feeding Syringe
  • Finger feeding
  • Cup feeding 

Babies DO come with Instructions

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Your BOTH expecting!

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Congratulations!  Did you know this pregnancy, laboring and delivery is as much your responsibility as it is the partner’s.  Partner involvement and bonding is so very important.  Can you choose which ways a partner can bond with the newborn?

-initiate skin to skin  after birth and mommy has done her “Hour Of Power” by skin to skin and breastfeeding with the newborn.

-Place you pointer finger in the palm of your newborn baby hand and experience the grip, the hold of this newborn.

-Take paternity leave if you are able.

-Give the newborn the bath-sing ,talk and playing with the baby.

-Just watching your partner give love, care and comfort to your newborn is enough!!

Babies DO come with Instructions

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Labor Go-Bag Essentials – Do you know what is important?

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Labor can be very unpredictable. You should have your “Go-Bag” packed and ready by the time you are 36 weeks.  Check with your hospital or birth facility if your items can be brought with you (some may not allow food, etc.).  

Pick out the statement that includes unacceptable items to bring to the hospital or birth facility- read carefully!!

  • Car seat, peanut ball, play list of your favorite music, under garments such as a supportive ( nursing) bra, baby clothes and fitted baby hat.
  • Scented Candles,  flame lighter for candles, cell phone and charger,  clear liquids.  
  • Picture ID and insurance card, Birth Plan, any type of oils and diffuser, nursing pillow. Reading scripts
  • Extra pillows, birthing ball or peanut ball,  sodas, dessert cakes, pain medication,  toiletries, battery operated flickering candles.

The Birthing Center of NY classes can be very helpful! Looking forward to meeting you ! Sign up soon !

Babies DO come with Instructions

Click HERE to Register Today for your Birthing Class!

Are you prepared for your new baby?

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The Birthing Center of NY would like to thank all of mother’s and significant others that took our Birthing Classes.  What makes our classes special? How does the Birthing Center of NY prepare you for your special occasion?

  1. We use hands on demonstrations, we have the equipment to actually practice.
  2. You and your partner experience a simulated labor. You practice timing your contractions using your contractions app on your phone as well as on paper. 
  3. When the simulated labor prompts you that a contraction is coming you learn to use different relaxation exercises during the simulated contractions, when you have real contractions you will know what to do!
  4. We teach you what to expect with an epidural, what possible pain medications are available.
  5. We teach signs and symptoms of labor and the various stages of labor – this includes why there is the possibility of needing to artificially rupture the membranes, performing an episiotomy and possible laceration repair
  6. What a vacuum assisted delivery is and when this might happen, what to expect afterwards 
  7. Each lecture and class allows time for questions and is followed with a video to reinforce what was taught 
  8. Mother and significant others have a set up of anatomically correct dolls and tools for feeding and complete washing of the baby, washing hair , changing diaper, umbilical cord care, baby temperature, etc.
  9. We teach postpartum care. 
  10. We cover baby safety, tummy time, at the end of the class you learn infant CPR and Infant Choking ( Bonus-optional)
  11. With permission pics are taken through out the class and sent back to you after class for your memory and you get a certificate of completion.
  12. Taking care of someone else’s child is not the same as taking care of your own child. The need to know is so important! Take my class and learn and have fun doing it !!! 

Babies DO come with Instructions

Click HERE to Register Today for your Birthing Class!

It’s labor – ious!!!

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baby clio 4-5-21

It’s called labor for a reason. It’s a lot of work. Your birthing ball was helpful.  What can you do with the birthing ball now?  Do you know the answer?

  • You have finished with labor and it is now over. You should  deflate the ball and store it or give it away
  • You can use it in place of a chair.  Your perineal area is sore and tender. The ball will provide comfort. 
  • Deflate the ball a little to make it softer and more comfortable to sit on. Calm your newborn by rocking the baby in your arms (Baby should be in a sling)
  • You can do several different exercises postpartum such as bouncing on the ball to help with  your stability, balance and strengthen your leg muscles
  • Use the ball to strengthen your core as well as tone your legs and abdomen.

*Take my class and learn more!

Jacqueline Ann Chapman 

Babies DO come with Instructions

Click HERE to Register Today for your Birthing Class!

Happy New Year – you are 39 weeks pregnant

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lactation support

Happy New Year – you are 39 weeks pregnant, so tired,  just want to have this baby already.  You want to self induce labor. Do you know what method can be used to do this. Which method below is not and never should be used or considered!

– Checking with your Ob/Midwife to confirm your gestation age and the safety of going into labor.

– Use of nipple stimulation

– Castor oil

– Herbal remedies

– Over the counter medication 

– Sexual Intercourse 

– Soap Suds Enema

* Please don’t forget to enjoy the end of your pregnancy, your significant other and take some ME TIME – Please don’t forget to take my class! 

Babies DO come with Instructions

Click HERE to Register Today for your Birthing Class!

Will your baby be a thumb sucker?

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Baby Rose Moon 2-18-21

Your obstetrician or midwife sends you for fetal monitoring. When you view your baby on the monitor, you see him sucking his thumb. Do you have concern your child may be a thumb sucker? Which answer below is incorrect?

  1. Sucking reflexes is actually a normal reflex for a fetus and newborn
  2. It is a sign of hunger for your little one
  3. Allowing the baby to suck on the fingers or thumb can have a calming and soothing effect on your newborn
  4. This can be a problem if the child continues doing this beyond the age of four.  At this age the permanent teeth are presenting and can cause damage to the teeth or child’s bite.  
  5. You should remove the fingers or thumb from the mouth immediately and offer a pacifier. This is a negative habit, it should not be allowed to start.

Babies DO come with Instructions

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