The long journey

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welcome baby ava 9-10-20

It’s been a long and tiring journey. Your newborn is finally here. You would love nothing more than enjoy the warm weather before it gets cold .  Which statement below is correct?

  • There are still Covid precautions in  effect and you should not expose your newborn outside at the present time. 
  • Their is no time frame for when you can take your baby out. You can take your baby out immediately.  Stay away from crowds and groups of people.
  • Because your baby’s immune system  is still developing you should wait a couple of months before taking this little one to movies, restaurants, nail salons etc.
  • Try to avoid letting others come in close contact to your new one . Use social distancing rule
  • Your newborn should not be taken outside for the first 2 months.
  • Wash hands and use hand sanitizer when appropriate.  
  • Dress your baby appropriately for the weather.  Cover the head with a hat, babies loses heat from the head!!

Don’t be afraid to enjoy your baby and your life – set your goal to experience a beautiful and meaningful time with your new one. Take my class a learn tips on how  be less stress and avoid feeling overwhelmed.  Looking forward to meeting you!

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How to calm a fussy baby.

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The best way to calm a fussy baby is to give it a cozy, cuddle hug.  This is the same effect of swaddling your little one.  Do you know which statement is inaccurate?  I provided the answers below because it’s truly important to know. Why? Because we do care. Everyone including hospitals, facilities and basically every person in care of child swaddles an infant using several methods. It is important to know how to do it right – ah, take my class!!

  • Swaddling should end when the infant is about 2 months old
  • Swaddling a baby after 2 months outweighs the benefits once a baby learns to roll over
  • Keeping the baby swaddled all the time can hinder motor development and mobility as well as limit the opportunity to use and explore the hands and legs when awake
  • Baby swaddle too tightly may develop a problem with their hips- ( tightly wrapping a baby legs can lead to hip dislocation or hip dysplasia. Dysplasia is formation of the hip joint  where the top of the thigh bone is not firmly in the socket hip.
  • After the 1st month try to swaddle your baby only during naps and nighttime sleeping. 
  • You should swaddle your baby with the arms down and to the side . Not across the chest . Swaddling with the arms down reduces the risk that you child will wiggle out of the swaddle and bunch the blankets up to his face. 

Answer – All are correct, there is no wrong answer.  Sign up for my class and get prepared & ready to bring your newborn home.  

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What is a sunny side up baby?

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You are full-term and your provider has informed you  your baby’s head is in a posterior position, will likely be born facing the sun.  You are advised to use a peanut ball .  Do you know  about the Peanut Ball or do you need to take my class?

  1. The peanut ball widens the pelvis, which may encourage a baby in the sunny-side-up position to rotate to face down, thereby making the birth process easier.
  1. Decrease fatigue – labor and delivery can be rather strenuous.  Some women have said using a peanut ball helped them to rest and relax.  
  1. If you have a hip, pelvic, or pubic bone injury, or have had one in the past, a peanut ball may not be appropriate for you.
  1. A peanut ball actually has no effect on the body, it’s merely for comfort only.

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Your baby has fed and is still on the breast, he is comfortable and content . What should you do?

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You are successfully breastfeeding.  Your baby has fed and is still on the breast, he is comfortable and content .  What should you do?

  • Let the child remain on the breast, he is quiet and comfortable.
  • Do not allow the child to use you as a pacifier 
  • Release the child immediately when he is finished, even if he cries
  • Give him a pacifier,  just don’t encourage a pacifier if it’s not needed 

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You need a birthing class before a C-Section

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You are scheduled for a cesarean delivery. Your physician and you set up a date for cesarean. Should you prepare yourself by taking Nurse Jackie Prepared Childbirth Class, since you are not going into labor?  Can you pick the correct answer ?

1. Your schedule C/section date is before your due date and it is more than likely you will not go into labor before your schedule operation date. No need for classes 

2. It’s possible you can still go into labor prior to your schedule date and you should know the signs and symptoms of labor.

3. The mere thought of an operation can cause a level of anxiety.  Learn how to walk, stand, laugh, cough, etc. to tolerate these activities after your surgery.

4. You need to know the best position to hold, breastfeed your baby without placing the newborn on your incisional area.

5. Even with a cesarean you will still need to know different ways to feed your baby as well as complete baby care.

*We care about you – our classes are small and tailored to your individual needs.  You are very special to me!

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Trying to initiate labor on your own?

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You are now 41 plus weeks pregnant “postdates”- you are interested in trying to initiate labor on your own.  You should collaborate with your physician/midwife to ensure you have no relative contraindications, (make sure your baby is moving well and no heartrate abnormalities, etc.), you are ready to initiate labor on your own hopefully!

Can you pick out the acceptable methods that may be used and statements that may be true?



•Nipple stimulation



•Castor oil

•Spicy foods

•Waiting for labor spontaneously


•have your significant other stretch your vaginal muscles

•Providers do not encourage you to even attempt to self induce labor before 39 weeks gestation

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Breast Milk is best!

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It’s Baby time! I’m sure you have been informed over and over again, that breast milk is the best!!

Breast milk is the best way to feed your newborn (barring certain medical or physical conditions that limit this). At The Birthing Center of NY, we encourage, teach and support you on how to successfully breastfeed your baby. We take into consideration, your lifestyle, activities, work , social life, home life, medications, surgical and medical history as well as your breast anatomy. We listen to your needs, desire, expectations and your plan for newborn care. For those times when breastfeeding is not possible or not advised, we discuss the proper bottles, milk preparation, etc. with you as well.

Did you know that are various ways to give your baby breast milk . Can you pick out the one that is positively wrong and should not be done at any reason or any time. Good luck! Take my class to learn the answers!!!
• Breast milk in a bottle
• Syringe feeding
• Finger feeding
• Bottle Propping- put breast milk in the bottle, this will assist you while you are cooking, dressing, bottle prop allows you to do something else while baby self feeds
• Spoon feeding
• Breast feeding Supplementer

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Help with breastfeeding

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This is day one of your delivery. Your mind and heart has been set on breastfeeding,  You find it is not a good experience.  When you feed the baby you have abdominal pain similar to light contractions.  What should you do? 

  • Stop breastfeeding and give the baby a bottle. 
  • Change your position, you are not properly latching on and its causing you to have abdominal pain. 
  • Take ibuprofen 20- 30 minutes prior to breast feeding – baby is releasing hormone oxytocin causing discomfort. 
  • Obviously breastfeeding is not for you, you should consider bottle feeding, 

Did you have to guess?

Stop guessing and schedule class – It would be my pleasure to teach you!!!

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When do you go to your delivery facility?

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when to goto the birthign center

You are 41 weeks and scared.  How will you know when it’s time to go to your delivery facility to have your baby.  Do you know? If not, then that is an indication you need to sign up for my class! 

  • when the contractions feels strong and it hurts. You feel pain all around your abdomen and when you walk or change position it’s a little bit better, more comfortable.
  • When contractions are every 5 minutes lasting for at least one minute for one hour and it’s regular.
  • When you have fluid from the vagina and it’s brown or green or it’s not clear or cloudy in appearance 
  • When you have mucus from the vagina with a tinge of bright red or brown streak of blood.

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What to expect after a C-Section

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Your Miracle baby is born via Cesarean Section because you developed complications during your pregnancy. The day after your operation, which statements are true?

  • When you cough and laugh or sneeze, your incision site feels like you are going to break open your suture.  You should hold your fingers together and applying a small amount of pressure holding your hand over the incision site . This is called splinting the abdomen. It helps provide relief.
  • Try not to laugh or cough because you can open up the incision.
  • It is important to get out of bed, sit in a chair and also walk.
  • You just had an operation, you should not get out of bed and limit your movement, use your call bell to call for assistance with all your needs.  Try to limit your movement. 
  • Whether you have a normal vaginal delivery,  a cesarean birth, gave birth in a birth center or a hospital, the ultimate desired outcome is to have a healthy mommy and healthy baby. Take my class to learn more!  Wishing you all the best!

Babies DO come with Instructions

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