Can you take your baby out in the cold?

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Winter is here and it can be wicked.  Can you take your newborn out in the cold? Do you know what the recommended precautions are?

  • Never take your newborn out in weather that is below 15 degrees  Fahrenheit or less.
  • Do not have your child in the cold. If you need to be outside, try to keep it to 15 minutes or less.
  • Your newborn can freeze in a matter of minutes and can experience hypothermia 
  • Observe the newborn for skin color of redness or grey type skin color, blue-ish skin color or shivering.
  • Mommy you need to be healthy also – please bundle up and stay healthy and safe!

Jacqueline Ann Chapman 

Your delivery is precious

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This week’s Nurse Jackie Hint is a learning experience. Your delivery is very precious. You would like nothing more than having a video of your birth. Majority of hospitals only allow pics and no video. Video can  be misleading without an explanation or you can eliminate scenes that are crucial and in need or explanation .Watch this video of me bowling, how confident I am, how I bowl so well. I hit a strike. I’m so good. What you fail to see is I only hit 2 strikes the whole game and a whole lot gutters .  This is not shown in the video. The video is actually misleading.  Hence this is why videos are not allowed in a delivery room. This is and example hoping to enlighten your understanding. Wishing you all the best!

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An Extended Fathers Day Ceelbration

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The Birthing Center hope All the Fathers to be had a great Father’s Day.  We at the Birthing Center would like to give our father’s a little gift!

We have provided a list of things you can do as a father  during your significant others pregnancy, laboring, birth and post delivery- Wishing you all the best!

  • While pregnant gently rub her belly in a circular motion, sing , talk or read to the baby.
  • Do the chores such as cooking, cleaning the house and shopping 
  • Pay a little extra attention to her
  • Provide whatever she needs for her “to-go” bag
  • Cut the newborn umbilical cord
  • Do skin to skin with the newborn 
  • Stroke the infant’s cheek to initiate sucking reflex for breastfeeding and do it again as needed if the baby stops sucking.
  • Play with baby’s feet to wake up the baby if the baby falls asleep while breastfeeding 
  • Bring her fluids and snacks while she is breast feeding 
  • Sit and keep her company while she is breast feeding 
  • Provide her with some ME TIME every day
  • Understand this entire process is all about Team Work!

Happy Father’s Day- Welcome to the world of Fatherhood

Babies DO come with Instructions

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Can you do self-perineal care?

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birthing class 2-21

Now that you have had your baby – self perineal care is needed. Do you know what to expect? Which answer is incorrect, or do you need to take my class?

  • You will bleed for approximately 6 weeks. The blood will be dark red in color.
  • You will have bleeding for approximately 6 weeks, the blood is called Lochia and is bright red in the beginning.
  • You should not see any blood clots.
  • You may see some small clots this is normal 
  • It is normal to have a moderate/amount of bleeding when you go from a lying to a standing position.
  • If you have a constant heavy blood flow that saturates your pad, seek medical assistance 

Babies DO come with Instructions

Click HERE to Register Today for your Birthing Class!

Pregnancy and the COVID Vaccine

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when to goto the birthign center

There is still Covid-19 risk!  You are presently breastfeeding and your good friend is confirmed to be pregnant.  Should you both take the Covid vaccine or is it too risky?  Do you know what the recommendations from CDC are? What is the correct answer?

  • The vaccine can pass to your breastmilk some passive immunity and can be unsafe for the newborn .
  • COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for all people aged 5 and older, including people who are pregnant, breastfeeding, trying to get pregnant now or might become pregnant in the future.
  • Studies are limited and  you should not take the vaccine at the time of pregnancy or breastfeeding 
  •  You should only get the vaccination with your provider’s  approval  if you are pregnant or  breastfeeding.

Why is your baby Always hungry – jackies tip of week 2-2-2020

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nurse jackie birthing classes

Your baby is producing adequate pees and poos . Your breasts are producing a lot of milk. The baby has a good latch on and you are positioning your baby correctly using body to body with the baby in proper ailment. You are feeding on demand. However, baby wants to be feed every 15 to 20 minutes continuously. Why is this baby so hungry? You can not eat, sleep or do anything but feed the baby. It’s like you are a 24 hour restaurant.

• Is this normal and called clustered feeding?
• Do you need to take this baby to the Pediatrician?
• Do you need to try and produce more milk?
• Should you try to change your feeding pattern ?

Note- their is two correct answers. Anytime you have concerns always check with your Pediatrician.

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Nurse Jackie says,
"Babies DO come with Instructions"

Thinking about a Natural Child Birth - The Way Nature Intended?
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Do you know how to properly feed your baby?

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Learn how to feed your baby

Our birthing classes will teach you the proper method of feeding and burping your baby – a happy baby is a happy family!

Nurse Jackie Feeding and Burping Baby

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Nurse Jackie says,
"Babies DO come with Instructions"

Thinking about a Natural Child Birth - The Way Nature Intended?
Call 929-888-6996 or email

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Mothers Taking Childbirth Classes More Likely To Have Normal Deliveries

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childbirth classes

A Study by ACOG – American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists – suggest that first-time mothers are more likely to have a normal delivery if they take a childbirth class.

Birthing classes at the birthing center of ny

The Birthing Center of NY childbirth classes presented by Nurse Jackie, gives mothers the skills needed to have a normal delivery and properly take care of their babies and themselves. As nurse Jackie says “babies Do Come With Instructions”

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VIRTUAL Birthing Classes:


Nurse Jackie says,
"Babies DO come with Instructions"

Thinking about a Natural Child Birth - The Way Nature Intended?
Call 929-888-6996 or email

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Reuters (1/24, Chander) reported, “First-time mothers who take childbirth classes are more likely to have normal deliveries without interventions, a small study suggests.” The study, published in the International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, “compared more than 300 women who gave birth to a first child at an Israeli medical center,” and “researchers found that those who took a series of classes on the experience of childbirth, pain management and postpartum issues were more likely to have normal vaginal deliveries and less likely to have vacuum extraction used during their delivery.”

Babies Now come with instructions

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nurse jackie says babies come with instructions

Nurse Jackie from the Birthing Center of NY, teaches new mothers and mothers to be how to care for their new baby. Her classes are fun informative and set in her private classroom with all the tools and aids families need to practice and learn how to care for themselves and their baby – before, during and after your delivery.

Get you baby instructions today!

Register for one of our Birthing classes:

  • 12 Hr Hypno-Birthing class
  • 5 hr 1 Day All inclusive pregnancy class
  • 3 hr Childbirth class
  • 3 hr Baby Care class
  • 3 hr Post Partum Class
  • Basic Life Support (BLS) Class


Thinking about a Natural Child Birth – The Way Nature Intended?
Call 929-888-6996 or email us for a tour of our Birthing Center

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Nurse Jackie’s Weekly Hint – Clogged milk ducts

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nurse jackies weekly baby hint

Clogged Milk Ducts

Plugged, blocked or clogged milk ducts are hard, tender lumps that form in the narrow milk ducts of the breast. Blocked milk ducts prevent the flow of your breast milk. Plugged milk ducts are a common breastfeeding problem causing swelling, redness, and pain in your breast.What causes clogged ducts?

Can you pick out what does not the cause ducts to become blocked?

  • Incorrect latching on
  • Breast engorgement
  • Blebs
  • Excessive pressure to your breast
  • Using soap to wash your breast
  • Dehydration
  • Weaning your baby

At The Birthing Center of NY during, our Breastfeeding Class teaches how to avoid and treat clogged milk ducts, using a breast pump and hand expelling milk !

Don’t you think that maybe you just may need my class !

Register for one of our Birthing classes:

  • 12 Hr Hypno-Birthing class
  • 5 hr 1 Day All inclusive pregnancy class
  • 3 hr Childbirth class
  • 3 hr Baby Care class
  • 3 hr Post Partum Class
  • Basic Life Support (BLS) Class


Thinking about a Natural Child Birth – The Way Nature Intended?
Call 929-888-6996 or email ( us for a tour of our Birthing Center

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