Covid and you newborn – HELP!

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when to goto the birthign center

Congratulations you are now home with your newborn.  Covid is still active.  Which of answer below is not true?

  • Politely asking anyone that touches or pick up your baby to wash their hands with warm water & soap first (also includes you). 
  • Avoid touching your baby’s face or allowing anyone to touch the baby face.
  • If you or any contacts have symptoms of Covid wear a tightly fitted N95 mask if you are closer than 6 feet, get tested and continue precautions until results are back and no longer have symptoms (regardless of Covid or not, there can be other infections like the flu which can be spread as well). 
  • If you presently have symptoms which are suggestive of Covid.  If you had Covid while pregnant and you received the required vaccination your newborn is protected and no mask is needed when you are giving care to your newborn.

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Pregnancy and the COVID Vaccine

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when to goto the birthign center

There is still Covid-19 risk!  You are presently breastfeeding and your good friend is confirmed to be pregnant.  Should you both take the Covid vaccine or is it too risky?  Do you know what the recommendations from CDC are? What is the correct answer?

  • The vaccine can pass to your breastmilk some passive immunity and can be unsafe for the newborn .
  • COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for all people aged 5 and older, including people who are pregnant, breastfeeding, trying to get pregnant now or might become pregnant in the future.
  • Studies are limited and  you should not take the vaccine at the time of pregnancy or breastfeeding 
  •  You should only get the vaccination with your provider’s  approval  if you are pregnant or  breastfeeding.