What to do with your baby’s umbilical cord and placenta?

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when to goto the birthign center

You are contemplating what to do with your baby’s umbilical cord and placenta after you give birth. Which one below is not recommended?

  • You can encapsulate your placenta and change them into pills 
  • Preserve the blood, umbilical cord and placenta by collecting and storing in a registered cord blood bank- This can be used in the treatment of many life saving diseases, cancer, immune deficiency, Sickle cell, and over 70 different types of disease.  They are hopefully treating Parkinson’s, Cerebral Palsy, and other neurological diseases as well.
  • Can let the cord dry up and fall off and put it in a scrape book for your precious memories.
  • Can burn the cord off with use of candles ritually and turn it into a necklace or hang it on your wall
  • Discard in the garbage 

Baby and Mommy safety is ever so important!!!

Preparing for delivery is a lot of work!

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when to goto the birthign center

WOW- preparing for this delivery, whether vaginal or cesarean delivery can be a lot of work. What other things do you need to consider and put into place before the big day? Which task is definitely a no-no, no matter when you plan to deliver?

  • Contact your place of delivery to find out who can support you. Ask if they provide a Boppy pillow, Birthing ball Etc.
  • Find out what are their Covid  policies related to significant  and supportive others ( being tested, visiting, sleeping in)
  • Between significant other, friends or family, who can assist you in taking any items home that you do not need after you deliver.  In order to make your discharge easier having less items to manage when being discharged is ideal.
  • Make arrangements for the pet and other siblings care or housing while in a facility for 2- 3 days.
  • Make sure you  have a lighter for candles and or incense for your relaxation and comfort.
  • Find out their policies on taking your placenta home, cord blood collection, etc.

-Wishing you all the best  -Take my class .  Relax you so got this!

*With the rising heat outside during the summer, please drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration, which can cause contractions!!

Jacqueline Ann Chapman 

Babies DO come with Instructions

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Don’t worry you are almost there!

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birthing class nov 2021

Congratulations-You are now 37 weeks gestation. You are beginning to get a little nervous. You are having mild discomfort all over your abdomen. You notice that when you walk or change your position the discomfort gets lighter or even go away. You are probably experiencing what? Do you know the answer?

  • Round ligament pain
  • False labor, practice labor, Braxton Hicks Contractions 
  • An indication that your water is going to break soon

* It is so important to know the signs and symptoms of labor.  Know the normal vs complications. Take my class and recognize “The Need To Know”!!

An Extended Fathers Day Ceelbration

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The Birthing Center hope All the Fathers to be had a great Father’s Day.  We at the Birthing Center would like to give our father’s a little gift!

We have provided a list of things you can do as a father  during your significant others pregnancy, laboring, birth and post delivery- Wishing you all the best!

  • While pregnant gently rub her belly in a circular motion, sing , talk or read to the baby.
  • Do the chores such as cooking, cleaning the house and shopping 
  • Pay a little extra attention to her
  • Provide whatever she needs for her “to-go” bag
  • Cut the newborn umbilical cord
  • Do skin to skin with the newborn 
  • Stroke the infant’s cheek to initiate sucking reflex for breastfeeding and do it again as needed if the baby stops sucking.
  • Play with baby’s feet to wake up the baby if the baby falls asleep while breastfeeding 
  • Bring her fluids and snacks while she is breast feeding 
  • Sit and keep her company while she is breast feeding 
  • Provide her with some ME TIME every day
  • Understand this entire process is all about Team Work!

Happy Father’s Day- Welcome to the world of Fatherhood

Babies DO come with Instructions

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Pregnancy and high blood pressure

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Pregnancy can be a beautiful event. You can also have complications. You are diagnosed with preeclampsia which means your blood pressures may be elevated above baseline normal along with other signs, some people have protein in their urine with normal blood pressure or severe headache, right upper abdominal pain, etc.

Your provider tells you once you have delivered your baby your blood pressure usually will return to normal.  Pre-eclampsia can occur after delivery as well. Which of the following are normal?  

  • Blood pressure will return to normal immediately after you deliver.
  • Preeclampsia can occur up to 6 weeks after you deliver.
  • Preeclampsia can occur up to 2 weeks after you deliver.
  • Every person’s body is different and there is actually no answer to how many weeks after delivery preeclampsia can occur
  • Elevated blood pressure might not return to normal and you may then be diagnosed with chronic hypertensive.

Why not be prepared? Take my class, sign up today ! Wishing you all the best!

Babies DO come with Instructions

Click HERE to Register Today for your Birthing Class!

Be prepared for your delivery!

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when to goto the birthign center

You only have a few weeks to go before your baby is expected to arrive.  What are some of the things you can do to be prepared? Which of the following is untrue?

  • Take childbirth classes at approximately 27 weeks.
  • Do perineal massage  starting at 35 weeks.
  • Practice breathing and relaxation exercises so your breathing techniques comes to you easily when you have contractions/ waves.
  • The body and baby knows what to do, preparation is really not necessary.

Babies DO come with Instructions

Click HERE to Register Today for your Birthing Class!

Covid and you newborn – HELP!

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when to goto the birthign center

Congratulations you are now home with your newborn.  Covid is still active.  Which of answer below is not true?

  • Politely asking anyone that touches or pick up your baby to wash their hands with warm water & soap first (also includes you). 
  • Avoid touching your baby’s face or allowing anyone to touch the baby face.
  • If you or any contacts have symptoms of Covid wear a tightly fitted N95 mask if you are closer than 6 feet, get tested and continue precautions until results are back and no longer have symptoms (regardless of Covid or not, there can be other infections like the flu which can be spread as well). 
  • If you presently have symptoms which are suggestive of Covid.  If you had Covid while pregnant and you received the required vaccination your newborn is protected and no mask is needed when you are giving care to your newborn.

Visit our Website and sign up for our Childbirth classes-  Great Father’s Day Gift – Gift Certificate are available for purchase!

Babies DO come with Instructions

Click HERE to Register Today for your Birthing Class!

A Unique Mother’s day gift!

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Happy Mother’s Day!

Don’t want to do the traditional flowers for Mother’s Day and want to give that ultimate gift?

Why not give the gift that everybody can use for years to come!

“A Birthing Center of NY Gift Certification  for Childbirth Class “

What better way to show love and support when she most need it!

For that last minute gift call 347-392-9982 or 929 888-6996

Babies DO come with Instructions

Click HERE to Register Today for your Birthing Class!

Whats better than breastfeeding?

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Breastfeeding is the ideal method of providing nourishment to your newborn.  There are however sometimes obstacles medically or other situations that may prevent one from breastfeeding.  Which ways are acceptable alternatives to breastfeeding your newborn. Which answer is incorrect?

  • Bottle feeding
  • Spoon feeding 
  • Bulb syringe feeding 
  • Feeding Syringe
  • Finger feeding
  • Cup feeding 

Babies DO come with Instructions

Click HERE to Register Today for your Birthing Class!

What is “Gold Liquid”

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when to goto the birthign center

You are nervous and are watching educational  videos and you are reading a lot .  They  mention “Gold  Liquid “ what are they referring to?  Do you know the answer?

  • The  clear fluid that comes from the vagina when you break your water.
  • Yellow fluid from your breast called colostrum prior to production of your milk.
  • Your first vomit from morning sickness 
  • Your baby’s first urination 

Experience hands on learning with your partners, remember pregnancy, laboring and delivery is a team  effort!  Take classes at The Birthing Center OF NY – 5 hour classes  offered 7 days a week by appointment, private sessions available, some holidays. 

Babies DO come with Instructions

Click HERE to Register Today for your Birthing Class!