What to do when your baby scratches

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Taking care of a newborn is so rewarding at the same  time so exhausting.  It’s 2:00 AM  morning, you pick up your baby, only to find there are scratches all over his little face. You are totally exhausted. What can you do if you can’t find the little mittens.  Which ones are the best answer?

  • Wait until the morning and ask one of the grandparents to cut the nails for you.  They would love that you asked them 
  • Try to cut the nails,  knowing you are tired 
  • Put on the undershirt with the made in hand covers 
  • Put their socks on the hand to prevent  them from scratching the face 

 Sometimes we need to know  little things to do to help us survive as parents- Be good to yourself , Take my class! 

What to never do after birth

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You had your baby.  Wow! Your vagina has gone through a lot.  It maybe sore, swollen, swelling, uncomfortable or just  painful.  Which one below is should never ever be used – postpartum or not!  A lot of women do not know this answer.  Think about it, you may need to take my class. 

1- Put ice or a cold pack to the perineal area for 10-20 min at a time. Never put ice or ice pack directly to the skin use a thin cloth or wash cloth.

2- Sit in 3-4 inches of water,  just enough to submerged your hips and buttocks for approximately 15-20 minutes three to four times a day.  

3- Take a cleansing Douche , it will make you feel comfortable and clean

4- Use Witch Hazel Pads this will help reduce swelling and decrease pain and helps prevent infection and Lidocaine Spray- Dermaplast  – pain relieving spray.  Use three- four times a day 

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A Question so important I will give you the answer!

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Hope you had a safe holiday-this question is so important that at the end I will give the answer- Please, try to figure it out yourself  and if you do not get it right – then you need to take my class!

Question: You are having contractions that appear to be strong and almost intolerable – you call your provider.  What are some signs you might be in active labor or need to be seen for evaluation.

  • You have a large gush of clear fluid from your vagina 
  • You have mucus mixed with a tinge of dark brown or red blood
  • You have cervical changes – your cervix is open up to at least 4-5 cm, and it is getting softer and shorter
  • Your contractions are stronger and harder and more regular intervals, every 3-5 minutes   


  • Your bag of water can break and you may not be in labor, it is expected that within 24 hrs most likely you will go into labor, but you do need to be seen or speak to your provider especially if you are Group B Strep positive on vaginal or urine culture; and if you are preterm (less than 37 weeks); or if you feel the baby is not moving as well
  • “Bloody Show” is the loss of the mucus plug from the cervical canal, indicating the body  is preparing to get ready for the  labor process
  • Labor is defined as regular contractions of the uterus that result in cervical dilation (opening) and effacement (thinning) with descent of the presenting part (hopefully the head)
  • Pain does not necessarily mean you are in labor . Contractions must be strong enough to cause cervical change for you to be in labor! 
  • Sometimes you are in true labor but the baby doesn’t drop due to position of the head, size of the baby in relation to your bones (birth canal)

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Baby Colors

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what colors do babie see

Congratulations on your newborn!! As you spend time with your newborn,  you will notice their little brain is developing and growing.  You will notice your baby’s eyes following your face or head turning to look at you where you are,  when they hear your voice tone.  They also like look at toys with contrasting colors.  Do you know what colors are best for newborns?  Can you pick the correct colors below?

  • Green, Orange, Black 
  • Red, Black, White 
  • Blue, Green, Red
  • Baby’s cannot see any colors

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Are baby hiccups normal?

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Your precious baby has hiccups. You wonder if this is normal, should I worry? Hiccups are mostly caused by the irritation to the diaphragm, this is the muscle located at the base of the lungs. When this muscle starts to spasm or cramp, this causes the vocal cords to clamp shut, creating a sound known as hic!!

What do you know about hiccups in newborns?

  • If babies over feed or gulp air during feeding that can cause the stomach to expand and rub against the diaphragm causing hiccups.
  • Feed your baby in a more upright position.
  • Prop your baby head in more of an upright position. Propping head up on a pillow so they are not lying flat may help take less air at mealtime
  • Burp the baby
  • Use a pacifier
  • Use gripe water (Gripe water is an over-the-counter liquid supplement of sodium bicarbonate and herbs (like fennel, ginger, chamomile, dill, lemon balm or peppermint, depending on the formula).
  • If coughing, spitting up, irritable and crying, arching the back especially during or after feeding, seek medical help or call your pediatrician

Welcome to the world of Motherhood!!

Shellfish During Pregnancy?

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A lot of beaches are now open and they feature seafood restaurants very often.  While you  are pregnant,  do you know what your restrictions are concerning seafood?  Choose which ones are NOT to be eaten by you because you are pregnant!

  • Raw shell fish such as oysters and clams
  • Sushi
  • Canned seafood 
  • Golden or White Snapper

Pregnancy and fish: What’s safe to eat? – Mayo Clinic

Fish to Avoid When Pregnant  The Pregnancy Seafood Guide: What to Eat for a Healthy Pregnancy Diet – About Seafood

The following fish should be avoided during pregnancy because they are higher in mercury, which can be harmful at very high levels.

  • Shark
  • Swordfish
  • King mackerel
  • Tilefish
  • Bigeye tuna (found in sushi)
  • Marlin
  • Orange roughy

Happy Memorial Day and please be safe!

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"Babies DO come with Instructions"

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Committed to promoting health & prevention of illness

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At our facilities, The Birthing Center of NY and New Life Medical Esthetics & Wellness – we are very committed to promoting health, prevention of illness and our patients taking responsibility for taking care of their own bodies! Our young adults need to develop healthy habits early. What you do now will matter very much when you are older.

Below can you pick out the correct answers?

  • If your partner wants to be intimate  with you,  they are the one responsible for providing protection
  • To ensure safety from sexually transmitted diseases (STD) and pregnancy women should make sure they have the necessary supplies on hand always 
  • Abstinence is the best way to prevent STDs and pregnancy 
  • You should be receiving screening for STD’s and cancer screening from an obstetrician/gynecologist, family medicine physician or other professional with enough training to properly perform examination – and to treat what they may find.    
  • Withdrawal also known as “pulling out” method is safe and effective for not getting pregnant or contracting an STD 

Taking care of yourself and your body is so important. Screening for STD’s may/should include HIV, herpes, syphilis, Hepatitis B and C, gonorrhea/chlamydia and HPV as needed.

Jacqueline Ann Chapman 

What is the best way to sleep during pregnancy?

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Now that you are expecting, many questions come to your mind.  You are so unsure about what you can and cannot do.  You ask your obstetrician or midwife- what is the best way for me to sleep? Do you know the best answer?

  • Never use a pillow when you sleep
  • You should alway sleep on your back, it helps with your breathing
  • It does not matter which way you sleep as long as you are comfortable.
  • Because your liver is on the right side of your abdomen, lying on your left side helps keep the uterus off that large organ. Sleeping on the left side also improves circulation to the heart and allows for the best blood flow to the fetus, uterus, and kidneys.


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1 Day after giving birth you notice you passed a blood clot – what to do?

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It’s your first day after giving birth to a beautiful 7 lb baby. You go to the bathroom and you notice you passed a blood clot.

Which of the following is correct?

  • It is not normal, you should not be passing clots.
  • This is normal, note the amount you are bleeding . Whether it is heavy , moderate or a little.
  • Check to see if a little round ball is felt in your lower belly – called the uterine fundus is hard and round in shape.
  • You should go to the emergency room immediately.


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"Babies DO come with Instructions"

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You are pregnant BUT your partner is complaining about weight gain, nausea and gas!

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You are pregnant and your partner starts to complain about weight gain, nausea, heartburn and gas. All the symptoms you are having. Can this be really happening? Which of the following statements is correct?

• No , your partner is pretending so he can get attention.

• This can be known as Couvade Syndrome or Sympathetic Pregnancy and the partner is actually experiencing your signs of pregnancy.

• This usually occurs in early pregnancy.

• This is know to be short term behavior and is not serious.

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Your family and friends can give you a loving gift that will last a life time – our gift certificates are perfect for mommies to be, as a maternity and shower gift – they can be used for our birthing classes and of course if you want a natural delivery in our center.>

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Nurse Jackie says,
"Babies DO come with Instructions"

Thinking about a Natural Child Birth - The Way Nature Intended?
Call 929-888-6996 or email info@nybirthingcenter.com

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