Feeding your newborn – nurse jackies feeding tips

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Every women has the right to choose how she wishes to feed her newborn. If you’re formula feeding, which is the incorrect statement!

-If milk isn’t being stimulated to be produced by your body, it will stop.  So don’t touch or stimulate your breasts, leave them alone.

– If you are engorged when milk comes in and you are planning to formula feed you should wear a tight fitting bra and use breast pads. (cut a sanitary pad in half and use).  In a matter of days the engorgement will steadily decrease .  You may exhibit a low grade fever, this is normal, under 100.4.  If over 100.4, seek medical attention.

-You should pump often to get the milk out of your breast. This will prevent engorgement and help the milk to dry up.


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Happy New Year 2021

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You are going to a small intimate affair (keeping in compliance with Covid 19 guidelines)  Wait!! I’m pregnant-can I dance?

Dancing is a safe and fun way to exercise during pregnancy.   If dancing is new to you, it’s best to stick to a dance that doesn’t involve jumping and isn’t too strenuous. Consult with your physician or midwife that you’re dancing and exercising during pregnancy!   Not only do you get to move your body to music you love, but it will keep you flexible while toning your muscles. You can get a cardiovascular workout from any fast paced dance, or stretch and maintain muscle tone when you hold positions in yoga or ballet.  For the average pregnant woman, dancing and aerobic activity is safe during pregnancy.  Pregnancy is not a disease and women should feel comfortable being active. If something hurts, don’t do  it!!!!!

If I dance can it cause a miscarriage?

The pregnancy separates from the uterus and passes out of the body. Miscarriage is not caused by the activities of a healthy pregnant woman, such as jumping, vigorous exercise and vaginal intercourse.  However, it is recommended to be gentle.  Trauma causes miscarriage only very rarely unless the impact to the abdomen occurs >12 weeks of pregnancy when the uterus rises out of the pelvis. Stress and emotional shock do not cause miscarriage either.  When you are doing movements you should try to keep both feet on the floor because it is easier for a pregnant person to lose her balance because the growing abdomen shifts the center of gravity forward.  If you do fall by chance you or hit your abdomen, you  should go to the hospital immediately and contact your physician or midwife. Always check with your provider if dancing and or exercises is permitted for you . Each and every  pregnancy is different and each and every person’s body is different. What’s good for one person may not be good for another person!  Be safe and have fun. Happy New Years !!

Jacqueline Ann Chapman 

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It’s hard to be pregnant during the holiday season .

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We’re preparing, baking cookies, going to holiday parties, shopping in a frenzy for that perfect  gift. About to just celebrate the season with friendship, great food and drinks.  This can be the most wonderful time of the year. But when pregnant or trying to get pregnant, it can be challenging to face the decision about whether to celebrate the season with or without alcohol.

Can I have just a little something?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecology, and the American Academy of Pediatricians, “there is no safe amount of alcohol, no safe type of alcohol and no safe time to drink when a woman is pregnant.” And yet, in 2016, the CDC estimated that 3.3 million women in the United States were at risk for having an alcohol-exposed pregnancy.

When a woman drinks so does the developing baby, who lacks the ability to process or metabolize alcohol through their liver or other organs. The baby has the same blood alcohol concentration as the mother. It makes no difference if the alcoholic drink consumed is a beer, glass of wine or a distilled spirit or liquor such as vodka.

What are the risks of alcohol and pregnancy?

Evidence-based research has found that drinking even small amounts of alcohol while pregnant can increase the risk of miscarriage, stillbirth, prematurity or sudden infant death syndrome. In addition, more than 40 years of published research has shown alcohol to be a neurotoxin in utero. This means that alcohol is a toxic substance to the developing baby just like carbon monoxide and lead.

Alcohol can cause the death of developing brain cells, even during the early stages of pregnancy. Most babies negatively affected by alcohol exposure have no apparent physical birth defects. But they can have lifelong behavioral and learning problems that often go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed as autism or attention deficit disorder instead of one of the fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs). Current studies estimate that 1 in 20 school-age children may have FASDs.

There is no known safe amount of alcohol use during pregnancy or while trying to get pregnant. There is also no safe time during pregnancy to drink. All types of alcohol are equally harmful, including all wines and beer.  There is also no safe amount of drugs including marijuana that we know of.  Not consuming alcohol at any time during pregnancy is the current recommendation, you can always order mocktails, nonalcoholic beverages or sparkling water with fresh fruit. They can be very refreshing and festive as well as enjoyable and help you get your holiday spirits on during this holiday season and throughout your pregnancy.

Jacqueline Ann Chapman 

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You are full-term and it is your first child -How should you proceed with labor?

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is linea alba normal during pregnancy

You are full-term and  it is  your first child.  The baby is moving just fine . You are having  contractions that are strong and yet tolerable. Your Birthing Plan is too do this naturally.

How should you proceed with this labor? 

  • Go to your  facility or hospital immediately  to be checked 
  • First baby may take a long time , walk, use a birthing ball, rock/ dance, Breathing  and relaxation exercises, shower  or tub ( tub if not GBS positive and did not break your water bag)
  • Check your bag  for needed item such as insurance card  , ID,  etc.
  • Make sure you eat a hearty meal because your facility or hospital may not allow you to eat    You don’t want to starve !

Don’t  wait to go into and don’t know what to do?

Take my class  private  or regular intimate group class with maximum of 3 couples per class or Virtual  (live interactive class via webinar). 

We take COVID 19 precautions and ask all in-person attendees to test for COVID 19 within 3 days of class.

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Are you feeding your baby Properly?

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nurse jackies tip are you feeding baby properly

How do you know you are feeding your baby adequately ( trick question) .  Which answer is incorrect?

  • Your baby has adequate pees and poos
  • Your baby is content after feeding
  • your baby is gaining weight
  • Your breasts are soft and not full after feeding 

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Is a dark line from your navel down your abdomen normal?

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is linea alba normal during pregnancy

You are pregnant in your second trimester . You are getting dressed and you notice a  dark line from your navel down your abdomen.  Which answer is incorrect ?

-Increased melanin production is what makes your skin change color during pregnancy. At some point during your second trimester, you may notice a dark brown line running down the middle of your abdomen, between your belly button and pubic area. This line is called the linea alba.

-The linea nigra is the result of fluctuating hormones during pregnancy. One theory is that the hormones cause your body to produce larger amount of melanin (a compound responsible for giving your skin pigment), and this extra pigmentation shows up as a dark pregnancy line on your stomach.

-Soon after your baby is born, the linea nigra should start to fade. In some women, though, it may never completely disappear. And if you get pregnant again, expect to see that line reappear.

-Linea  Nigra  is a line indicator that you baby is growing to big and you need to watch your food intake .  This line seldom goes away after pregnancy. 

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Can you change your babies position from ROP (Right Occiput Posterior)?

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Right Occiput Posterior

In Right Occiput Posterior (ROP), baby is head down and the back is to the side- the mother’s right side. This position can be deceptively reassuring. ROP is the most common of the four posterior positions. Right Occiput Posterior – Baby’s back favors mother’s right side and the back of baby’s head is towards mother’s posterior. The baby would end up delivering facing the ceiling which gives you the challenge of delivering the baby with largest diameter of the head. Very often women take over 3 hours to drop the head down enough to deliver, especially the first time mothers. How can you change the baby position from ROP?

  • Acupuncture 
  • Use of a Peanut Ball
  • You can not change an infant position 
  • Lying on your side with your leg elevated on pillows between your legs

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"Babies DO come with Instructions"

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