Its HOT in here!

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As the weather changes from cold to mild to hot- One may wonder how do I dress my newborn.  Can I use a fan with the baby in the room.  What is the easiest way to tell if my baby is to hot or too cold.  How do I  tell if my baby is too hot?  Your baby may have flushed cheeks. Feel the nape of the neck to see if it feels sweaty or too cold to the touch.  Over heated babies may have sweating and fast breathing. Which statements below are untrue?

·         When dressing a baby the general rule – dress the baby in as many layer as you have on and then add one more layer.

·         Never ever use a fan in the room with a newborn it can cause pneumonia.

·         Babies that sleep in a less ventilated room sleeping with a fan – lower the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

Leaving the ceiling fan on a low setting is not going to cause a cold. Baby should be at least swaddled or in a sleeping sack , socks or booties. Most of the newborn heat escapes from the head as well as their tiny little feet.

Make sure your infant is always dry because damp clothing can cause hypothermia.

Use good parenting judgment-  too hot or not too hot?  Consider the temperature outside.

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Pregnancy heartburn related to lots of baby hair.

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You are pregnant and you have a lot of heart burn, you’ve been told your baby will have a lot of hair.  You were told you do not have preeclampsia.  Which of the following is false?

  • This is an old wives tale
  • There is some correlation to gas pains and baby having a lot of hair
  • This is simply totally true

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A Successful Birthing Class for a Mommy to be! Feb 19 2021

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birthing class 2-21

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Placenta for Encapsulation Do’s and Dont’s

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After having your baby, you want to use the placenta for encapsulation. Placental encapsulation is the practice of eating the placenta after it has been steamed, dehydrated, ground and placed into pills.  Prior to delivery of your baby the   amniotic  fluid is noted to be meconium stained.  Can you still do encapsulation?  What is the correct answer?  Do you know? 

  • No,  because the placenta is contaminated and should be sent to pathology.
  • If your baby passes meconium prior to birth, it is recommended to do basic heated encapsulation as well as rinsing the placenta in an apple vinegar bath prior to steaming it.
  • No specific care of the placenta before doing encapsulated procedure is needed .
  • Take antibiotics one week prior to using encapsulated pills.

Editor’s note: There is little research available to either support or oppose the tradition of placental encapsulation. There are a number of proposed benefits of the custom, and limited risks if the placenta is stored correctly and ingested only by the mother.  If you feel that placenta encapsulation is right for you, be sure to contact your healthcare provider to receive more information on the proper procedure for it. It is also important to be aware of any laws in your state that make it illegal to remove the placenta from the hospital. 

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Foods to eat during early labor

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You are in early labor.  You want to stay home until you are in active labor.  What should you eat ? There’s more than one correct answer!

  • In early stage: drinking water during labor will help you stay hydrated, while taking small sips of bone broth which is nutrient rich, can assist with nausea. Coconut water which contains magnesium, potassium and electrolytes is also an excellent option for keeping hydrate
  • In active stage: lemon – lime water can provide electrolytes, which are required for muscle (uterine) contractions
  • Protein and fat. These slow the rate that your muscles use energy supplied from the sugar.  They are filling. Choose easily digestible protein sources like beans, tofu, avocado, eat small amounts.  Protein shakes  
  • Related to the fact that pregnancy is so unpredictable,  light digestible foods and clear fluids are highly recommended because emergencies may arise requiring surgery.  Avoiding dairy products is ideal. 

·         Eat Steak, fries and hamburgers to fill you up

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Should you give you baby a pacifier? Nurse Jackies Tips for Feb 2021

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New mothers often ask and wonder if they should give their baby a pacifier?  Do you know the answer? Two answers are incorrect!

  • if you are taking a baby on the plane.
  • If the baby is fussy and has a hard time getting to sleep.
  • If a baby rather uses his thumb or his hand to satisfy himself, you should give the pacifier instead!
  • A pacifier should never be used.
  • Introduce a pacifier approximately 3-4 weeks after breastfeeding has been established.

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Baby not breastfeeding – Nurse Jackies Tips for week 1-30-21

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Your parents are babysitting your newborn baby so you and your partner can go out for a romantic dinner.  You have been craving Italian food.  You order the spicy penne with Arrabiata sauce. When you come home and you try to breastfeed  your baby,  the baby rejects your milk.  What answer is the best answer.

  • You have emergency stored milk in the freezer. You should pump and dump and give baby the emergency milk
  • Baby is reacting to separation while you were out, do skin to skin and keep trying
  • Call your pediatrician or take baby to an emergency room 
  • Wait and see if the baby will take the breast later

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When should you go to the doctor or hospital?

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You are between 25 weeks and 36 weeks pregnant. Which of the situation, should you call your OB provider and/or go to the hospital? More than one correct answer

  • You have not felt your baby move in the past 30 minutes.
  • You have blood from your vagina, similar to a menstrual period.
  • When you went to bathroom you had a lump of mucus with no blood.
  • The baby is moving all the time.
  • Baby has not moved in the pass 2 hrs.
  • You were accidentally hit in the stomach.
  • You just started taking iron pills and your stool is now very black in color.
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What is the function of the Vernix Caseosa?

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When your baby is born,  it probably will have a cheesy white coating called Vernix Caseosa.  If your baby’s vital signs of life such as breathing, color, heart rate, muscle tone, movement, etc. is not good, the baby may need tactile (skin & nerve) stimulation by warming, drying and rubbing the baby’s hands and soles of the feet.  This is done in order to make your baby’s heartrate pick up, get the circulation moving and encourage breathing, this means some or all of the vernix may end up being wiped off the baby to better dry the baby and allowing greater warmth. Can you identify below what is the function of the Vernix Caseosa?

-It can clog the babies pores and prevent the baby for maintaining its temperature.

-Moisturizers the Baby’s skin after birth.

-Helps baby regulate their body temperature.

-It makes the baby look dirty and unclean and should be removed immediately.

-wards off bad bacteria and microorganisms.

-The scent of Vernix triggers neural connection in the brain that is needed for breastfeeding and it helps the baby find the breast on its own.

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