Your plan is to feed your baby Breast milk only. Can Breast Milk be stored ? Which statement is incorrect ?
- At room temperature (77°F or colder) for up to 4 hours.
- In the refrigerator for up to 4 days.
- In the freezer for about 6 months is best; up to 12 months is acceptable.
- Fresh breast milk or pumped breast milk should be used immediately and never stored .
Correct answer is 4 – You never know what the universe holds for you. Be prepared, have that extra supply of milk your baby may need .
Not sure? Than you need to take our birthing classes – You can register here for our baby care and breast feeding classes -= babies do come with instructions! Did you know we have GIFT CERTIFICATES – Your family and friends can give you a loving gift that will last a life time – our gift certificates are perfect for mommies to be, as a maternity and shower gift – they can be used for our birthing classes and of course if you want a natural delivery in our center.
Register for our
VIRTUAL Birthing Classes:
- 1 Hr Lactation Support class
- 12 Hr Hypno-Birthing class
- 5 hr 1 Day All inclusive pregnancy class
- 3 hr Childbirth class
- 3 hr Baby Care class
- 3 hr Post Partum Class
- Basic Life Support (BLS) Class
Nurse Jackie says,
"Babies DO come with Instructions"
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