1 Day after giving birth you notice you passed a blood clot – what to do?

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It’s your first day after giving birth to a beautiful 7 lb baby. You go to the bathroom and you notice you passed a blood clot.

Which of the following is correct?

  • It is not normal, you should not be passing clots.
  • This is normal, note the amount you are bleeding . Whether it is heavy , moderate or a little.
  • Check to see if a little round ball is felt in your lower belly – called the uterine fundus is hard and round in shape.
  • You should go to the emergency room immediately.


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Your family and friends can give you a loving gift that will last a life time – our gift certificates are perfect for mommies to be, as a maternity and shower gift – they can be used for our birthing classes and of course if you want a natural delivery in our center.>

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Nurse Jackie says,
"Babies DO come with Instructions"

Thinking about a Natural Child Birth - The Way Nature Intended?
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You are pregnant BUT your partner is complaining about weight gain, nausea and gas!

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You are pregnant and your partner starts to complain about weight gain, nausea, heartburn and gas. All the symptoms you are having. Can this be really happening? Which of the following statements is correct?

• No , your partner is pretending so he can get attention.

• This can be known as Couvade Syndrome or Sympathetic Pregnancy and the partner is actually experiencing your signs of pregnancy.

• This usually occurs in early pregnancy.

• This is know to be short term behavior and is not serious.

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Babies DO come with instructions!

Your family and friends can give you a loving gift that will last a life time – our gift certificates are perfect for mommies to be, as a maternity and shower gift – they can be used for our birthing classes and of course if you want a natural delivery in our center.>

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Nurse Jackie says,
"Babies DO come with Instructions"

Thinking about a Natural Child Birth - The Way Nature Intended?
Call 929-888-6996 or email info@nybirthingcenter.com

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You are pregnant and scared of becoming infected with the Covid -19 virus

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Your partner and family discuss if you should get the vaccine . Which statement is accurate?

  • It can be harmful to the unborn and you should not receive it.
  • A preliminary report from the largest study on Covid vaccine safety in pregnant women shows that Pfizer’s and Moderna’s vaccines are safe to use during pregnancy.
  • You should consult with your provider or midwife in case you have an underlying condition that may be a contraindication to you receiving it.
  • The vaccine is not recommended for pregnant women.
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Your family and friends can give you a loving gift that will last a life time – our gift certificates are perfect for mommies to be, as a maternity and shower gift – they can be used for our birthing classes and of course if you want a natural delivery in our center.>

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Nurse Jackie says,
"Babies DO come with Instructions"

Thinking about a Natural Child Birth - The Way Nature Intended?
Call 929-888-6996 or email info@nybirthingcenter.com

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Ligament Stretch a sudden and quick jabbing type sensation

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You are in your second trimester. You are experiencing sharp type pain or a jabbing type of pain In your lower abdomen and the groin area ( where your legs attach to your pelvic ). As your baby begins to grow in your uterus, these round ligaments stretch. This will cause the ligaments to tighten, something like a rubber band they snap when they are pulled. This will cause you to have a sudden and quick jabbing type sensation. You inform your provider or mid wife and they tell you, you are having round ligaments pains. Do you know what can actually trigger these pains? From below pick the one that is incorrect!


2- Coughing 

3- Laughing

4- Rolling over or movement in bed

5- Standing up too quickly 

6- Sitting too long in one position 

Not sure? Than you need to take our VIRTUAL birthing classes
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Babies DO come with instructions!

Did you know we have GIFT CERTIFICATES

Your family and friends can give you a loving gift that will last a life time – our gift certificates are perfect for mommies to be, as a maternity and shower gift – they can be used for our birthing classes and of course if you want a natural delivery in our center.>

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Nurse Jackie says,
"Babies DO come with Instructions"

Thinking about a Natural Child Birth - The Way Nature Intended?
Call 929-888-6996 or email info@nybirthingcenter.com

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Your newborn baby’s stool is very dark green, tarry, sticky and odorless.

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your babys stool

During the first one to two days of birth, you go to change your newborn baby’s diaper.  The baby stool is very dark green , tarry , sticky and odorless. Which is the correct answer?

  • Your breast or bottle milk may be contaminated and antibiotics are needed.
  • You should take the baby to the emergency room immediately and notify your pediatrician.
  • This is normal it’s called meconium or “mec.” It’s the baby’s first stool of life.
  • You should pump and dump your breast milk for 30 minutes before your next feeding or change the brand of  formula you are feeding the baby. 

In this time of giving birth, we now have 24 hour early discharge from a hospital or discharge from a birthing center after a few hours of observation.  Are you prepared to give care to your newborn?  Take my class and learn how to give complete care to your new loved one!

Not sure? Than you need to take our VIRTUAL birthing classes

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Babies DO come with instructions!

Did you know we have GIFT CERTIFICATES

Your family and friends can give you a loving gift that will last a life time – our gift certificates are perfect for mommies to be, as a maternity and shower gift – they can be used for our birthing classes and of course if you want a natural delivery in our center.>

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VIRTUAL Birthing Classes:


Nurse Jackie says,
"Babies DO come with Instructions"

Thinking about a Natural Child Birth - The Way Nature Intended?
Call 929-888-6996 or email info@nybirthingcenter.com

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Voted 3 times DIME Best of Brooklyn Award!

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2021 best of brooklyn

Our Nurse Jackie is THE BEST birthing class teacher in the business! Her classes on Childbirth, Baby Care, Basic Life Support, Breast-feeding and Hypno-Birthing have helped hundreds of couples with their new born babies!

Thinking of a Natural Childbirth? Want a COVID SAFE delivery? Than consider taking a tour of The Birthing Center of NY. We Deliver Naturally – The Way Nature Intended!

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2021: Brooklyn Voted Birthing Center of NY – Nurse Jackie Chapman/Childbirth Educator Best OBGYN Obstetrics and Gynaecology!

Birthing Center of NY – Nurse Jackie Chapman/Childbirth Educator
6700 3rd Ave
(929) 888-6996 – nybirthingcenter.com

Childbirth and the months leading up to that magical moment is often full of new discoveries. New discoveries about your body and what it is capable of creating. The Birthing Center of New York, the largest and newest free standing natural birthing facility in Brooklyn, allows new mothers to explore their bodies and ask questions of the professional staff. Thanks to the leadership of Nurse Jackie Chapman — with her more than 43 years of nursing experience in labor and delivery and specialty in high-risk obstetrics — clients are sure to receive the best care they possibly can.

2020: Brooklyn Voted Nurse Jackie Chapman/Childbirth Educator – Birthing Center of NY Best OBGYN Obstetrics and Gynaecology!

Nurse Jackie Chapman/Childbirth Educator – Birthing Center of NY
6702 3rd Ave
(929) 888-6996 – nybirthingcenter.com

Childbirth and the months leading up to that magical moment is often full of new discoveries. New discoveries about your body and what it is capable of creating. The Birthing Center of New York, the largest and newest free standing natural birthing facility in Brooklyn, allows new mothers to explore their bodies and ask questions of the professional staff. Thanks to the leadership of Nurse Jackie Chapman — with her more than 42 years of nursing experience in labor and delivery and specialty in high-risk obstetrics — clients are sure to receive the best care they possibly can.

2018: Brooklyn Voted New Life Obstetrics and Gynecology (OBGYN) – Sunset Park Best OBGYN Obstetrics and Gynegology!

New Life Obstetrics and Gynecology (OBGYN) – Sunset Park
634 59th Street (718) 567-0730
New Life Obstetrics and Gynecology is comprised of a team of dedicated healthcare professionals committed to providing you with healthcare that is comprehensive, up-to-date and integrative in its approach to gynecological and obstetrical services. New Life OBGYN strives to provide culturally competent healthcare to its patients throughout the stages of their lives. New Life’s certified nurse midwife is skilled in caring for women pre-conceptually, during the pregnancy, counseling on breastfeeding and postpartum care; she is equally skilled at providing routine gynecological services. The Sunset Park facility believes strongly in diet, exercise, stress management and balance in achieving and maintaining health. When that alone fails, the staff at New Life employs evidence based approaches and apply their experience to disease management.

Breast vs, Bottle Feeding – Which is true?

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You are breast feeding your newborn and your friend is bottle feeding her baby. Which statements are true and which are false??

  • Always make sure your baby is burped in between bottle or  breast feeds.
  • Breast feeders may not burp because they get less air.
  • Bottle feeders may burp more because they get more air.
  • If a baby pulls away from the breast he/she probably needs to be burped.
  • Feeding the baby too fast with breast or bottle can cause air to accumulate in the stomach.
  • Burping the baby does not release gas and or air from the baby.
  • Bottle feeders should burp baby after 4-5 ounces on milk
  • Breast feeders should burp baby after 2-3 ounces of milk
  • Basically there really isn’t a need to burp the baby after they have finished feeding – that is a myth.

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Babies DO come with instructions.

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It’s Tummy Time!

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What do you know about Tummy Time. Which statement is true?

-Tummy Time starts?

1. when you bring your baby home from the Birthing Facility.
2. Two weeks after birth.

-In the beginning of Tummy Time, how long and how often do you do Tummy Time?

1. 2-5 minutes increments several times a day
2. 30 minutes, 4 times a day.

Why is Tummy Time important?

1. It’s not that important. It has no benefits, it just give you time to play with your baby
2. It strengthens neck, back, head. Promotes visual, motor, sensory development.

-During Tummy Time if the baby falls asleep.

1. Allow the baby to remain on their stomach
2. Place them on their back and let them continue to sleep.

-Tummy Times can be

1. Tummy to Tummy
2. Tummy to Chest
3. Tummy to lap
4. Tummy to floor( mat/ blanket
5. Tummy to stomach when sleeping in the crib.

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Than you need to take our birthing classes!

Babies DO come with instructions.

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Your body and its changes during pregnancy

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Right Occiput Posterior

You will find your body going through some changes.  The skin will stretch to accommodate the growth of your abdomen as well as your breasts.  With these changes you may exhibit some color changes, like dark patches of skin on your face.  These patches are sometimes called the “Mask of Pregnancy”.  You may exhibit a line running down the middle of your abdomen between your belly button and your pubic area.  This line is called Linea Nigra or the “pregnancy line” .  The increase in your melanin production is what makes the skin change during pregnancy.  This change occurs during your second trimester.  Can you choose the fact below that is incorrect?

·         The Linea Nigra is not harmful to you or your baby so it does not need medical treatment

·         After birth of the baby the linea nigra line should start to fade – it may not disappear completely. 

·         You should wear sunscreen whenever you are out in the sun exposing your belly and other areas of your skin

·         The dark line running down the middle of your stomach could tell your baby gender – if it runs to your belly button, well it’s a girl and if it keep going all the way to your ribs then it’s a boy!

·         Do not use any kind of bleaching cream during your pregnancy or while you are breastfeeding.  It can be harmful to your baby.

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Than you need to take our birthing classes!

Babies DO come with instructions.

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