Protecting your baby from the hot weather!

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Hot weather!! How should you dress your newborn for the outside weather that is greater than 75 degrees? Which answer is incorrect?

1- Do not cover the baby’s head with a light hat. The baby’s head does not need to be protected from sunlight.

2- Keep the baby’s genital area covered.

3- The newborn only needs one layer of clothing with temperatures over 90 degrees 

4 -Avoid taking your newborn outside for a long period of time if the temperature is over 90 degrees.

Babies DO come with Instructions

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That Damned Dirty Diaper!

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Do you know how to change a baby’s diaper? Take my class!

  • Using one hand , hold the feet together and lift the baby’s bottom up. Clean from front to back!
  • Put your hand on the baby’s chest and turn the baby to one side, clean and repeat and do the other bottom side.
  • Lift the legs and hips after 6 months when the child knows how to crawl to prevent hip dystocia.
  • Putting the feet together and lifting the baby’s hip can cause hip dystocia.

Babies DO come with Instructions

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Don’t worry you are almost there!

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birthing class nov 2021

Congratulations-You are now 37 weeks gestation. You are beginning to get a little nervous. You are having mild discomfort all over your abdomen. You notice that when you walk or change your position the discomfort gets lighter or even go away. You are probably experiencing what? Do you know the answer?

  • Round ligament pain
  • False labor, practice labor, Braxton Hicks Contractions 
  • An indication that your water is going to break soon

* It is so important to know the signs and symptoms of labor.  Know the normal vs complications. Take my class and recognize “The Need To Know”!!

Pregnancy and high blood pressure

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Pregnancy can be a beautiful event. You can also have complications. You are diagnosed with preeclampsia which means your blood pressures may be elevated above baseline normal along with other signs, some people have protein in their urine with normal blood pressure or severe headache, right upper abdominal pain, etc.

Your provider tells you once you have delivered your baby your blood pressure usually will return to normal.  Pre-eclampsia can occur after delivery as well. Which of the following are normal?  

  • Blood pressure will return to normal immediately after you deliver.
  • Preeclampsia can occur up to 6 weeks after you deliver.
  • Preeclampsia can occur up to 2 weeks after you deliver.
  • Every person’s body is different and there is actually no answer to how many weeks after delivery preeclampsia can occur
  • Elevated blood pressure might not return to normal and you may then be diagnosed with chronic hypertensive.

Why not be prepared? Take my class, sign up today ! Wishing you all the best!

Babies DO come with Instructions

Click HERE to Register Today for your Birthing Class!

A Unique Mother’s day gift!

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Happy Mother’s Day!

Don’t want to do the traditional flowers for Mother’s Day and want to give that ultimate gift?

Why not give the gift that everybody can use for years to come!

“A Birthing Center of NY Gift Certification  for Childbirth Class “

What better way to show love and support when she most need it!

For that last minute gift call 347-392-9982 or 929 888-6996

Babies DO come with Instructions

Click HERE to Register Today for your Birthing Class!

What is “Gold Liquid”

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when to goto the birthign center

You are nervous and are watching educational  videos and you are reading a lot .  They  mention “Gold  Liquid “ what are they referring to?  Do you know the answer?

  • The  clear fluid that comes from the vagina when you break your water.
  • Yellow fluid from your breast called colostrum prior to production of your milk.
  • Your first vomit from morning sickness 
  • Your baby’s first urination 

Experience hands on learning with your partners, remember pregnancy, laboring and delivery is a team  effort!  Take classes at The Birthing Center OF NY – 5 hour classes  offered 7 days a week by appointment, private sessions available, some holidays. 

Babies DO come with Instructions

Click HERE to Register Today for your Birthing Class!

A photo worthy moment!

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You are finally home! You see your significant other lying with your newborn on his chest. Newborn has a hat and a light blanket on covering him. Your significant other is doing skin to skin and baby and significant other are sleeping peacefully.

This is definitely a photo worthy moment!  

  • You should immediately capture a picture of this.
  • Wake your significant other up because of the risk of the baby falling .
  • Gently immediately remove the baby and place in the proper sleeping unit-crib/ bassinet    
  • Take advantage of this moment and you take a nap, while baby and significant other sleep. 

Babies DO come with Instructions

Click HERE to Register Today for your Birthing Class!

Babies Do come with instructions!

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bcny the tools you need to take care of your new baby

At the The Birthing Center of NY – Did you know you are sent home with the tools to help you with natural childbirth?

What tools do we give you? Take my class to see how we help you.

Go to our website and schedule a class. I will telephone you to set up a time and date! 

Babies DO come with Instructions

Click HERE to Register Today for your Birthing Class!

Belly pain at 40 weeks – what should I do?

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register for birthing class

You are now 40 weeks.  You are having a feeling of tightness and release of pain to your upper and lower abdomen that radiates to your back. These pains are mild and irregular.  Can you choose from below what should you do? 

  • Check your Go-Bag . Making sure you have everything you need.
  • You can take a walk to increase the process of early labor, eat a light meal, drink plenty of fluids (assuming your baby is moving normally).
  • Consult with your physician or midwife for discussion your plan of care.
  • Go to your nearest hospital immediately.

*No worries, take my class at The Birthing Center Of NY and be prepared!!!

Babies DO come with Instructions

Click HERE to Register Today for your Birthing Class!

Labor Go-Bag Essentials – Do you know what is important?

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Labor can be very unpredictable. You should have your “Go-Bag” packed and ready by the time you are 36 weeks.  Check with your hospital or birth facility if your items can be brought with you (some may not allow food, etc.).  

Pick out the statement that includes unacceptable items to bring to the hospital or birth facility- read carefully!!

  • Car seat, peanut ball, play list of your favorite music, under garments such as a supportive ( nursing) bra, baby clothes and fitted baby hat.
  • Scented Candles,  flame lighter for candles, cell phone and charger,  clear liquids.  
  • Picture ID and insurance card, Birth Plan, any type of oils and diffuser, nursing pillow. Reading scripts
  • Extra pillows, birthing ball or peanut ball,  sodas, dessert cakes, pain medication,  toiletries, battery operated flickering candles.

The Birthing Center of NY classes can be very helpful! Looking forward to meeting you ! Sign up soon !

Babies DO come with Instructions

Click HERE to Register Today for your Birthing Class!