Bloodclots after birth – is this normal? Nurse Jackies Tip of the week 9-7-20

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blood clots after birth

You just had your baby.  When you go to the bathroom to refresh yourself you see blood clots. Is this normal? Which are the correct answers?

Blood that doesn’t immediately pass through your vagina and out of your body may form clots. Sometimes these clots can be especially large immediately after giving birth. While blood clots are normal after pregnancy, too many blood clots or very large blood clots can be 

cause for concern

  • No, this is not normal and should seek immediate medical care
  • This is normal and you should massage your Fundus and make sure it is firm
  • You show lay down immediately and elevate your legs.
  • The clots should decrease in frequency and size over the next few weeks
  • You may not be resting enough and increasing the tendency to bleed this is why resting the first 4 weeks is so important and especially the first weeks

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When to give baby their first bath

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baby first bath

Nurse Jackie’s tip of the week for 8-25-20

It’s time to give your newborn his first bath.

What is the recommended time frame that the sponge bath be done?  Which answer is incorrect?

  • Immediately if you are GBS positive 
  • World Health Organization recommendation is after 24 hrs of birth
  • Immediately no matter what
  • Their is no specific time frame, whenever you prefer
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My 2 day old baby girl has what? Nurse Jackie Tips for Aug 15-2020

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nurse jackies tip for 8-15-20

Your beautiful baby girl is two days old.  When you change her diaper you see mucus with a streak of blood from the vagina.  Why?

  • This is not normal and you should call your pediatrician immediately 
  • You may have injured the vagina during care and did not realize it
  • This is how female babies get rid of the mother’s hormones from their bodies 
  • This is a reaction to a product you are using when caring for the vaginal area.

Careful- With out new prices classes are filling up quickly- Don’t forget to visit our site and sign up . 

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"Babies DO come with Instructions"

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True, Real or False signs

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true real or false labor

You are 38 weeks pregnant and experiencing  lower abdominal and back pain . You are not sure if this is true, real labor or false labor, Braxton Hicks contractions.  How can you tell the difference? More than one answer, 

  • You cannot tell without a vaginal exam
  • If you walk or change your position and the contractions lessen or stop, they mostly likely false, practice labor, Braxton Hicks . If they get stronger they are probably real labor
  • True labor usually have contractions that are regular for at least 60 min and continue, false labor is irregular and usually stop within the hour 
  • Real labor is usually in the lower abdominal area and radiate to the back , Braxton Hicks usually involves all of the stomach

Have you checked out our new discount prices for basic life support (BLS), childbirth and lactation classes?  Learn from licensed, certified Nurse Jackie with over 40 years of experience (not all trainers have knowledge of hospital and birth centers). Feel free to view our website and testimonies- looking forward to meeting you!! 

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"Babies DO come with Instructions"

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No sleep with baby – Nurse Jackies tip of the week 7-29-20

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no sleep with baby

You have not had a good night’s sleep in a while. You are feeling a little overwhelmed. The baby has been crying for a while and you can’t get the baby to stop crying – which of the following should you not do ?

• Do skin to skin ,
• Trying feeding the baby
• Give the baby a bath
• Let the baby cry and you take a time out
• Give the baby a warm bath
• Shake the baby a little
• Beat his little butt to make him stop crying
• Call a friend or supportive person
• Do nothing he will stop crying on his own
• Rock, play and cuddle him
• Call your pediatrician

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"Babies DO come with Instructions"

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Pregnancy and blood pressure – nurse Jackies tip of the week for 7-21-2020

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I’m in my first trimester and my blood pressure is a little high .  They recommend that I take  low dose Aspirin.  What is the incorrect answer?

1 –  Low-dose aspirin is known to reduce the risk for preeclampsia in high-risk women and has been proposed as a preventive therapy for preterm birth .

2- Preterm labor is the most common cause of  infant death and low side Aspirin will help 

3- low does Aspirin is not that effective  for preterm labor

4- you should ask you provide to further explain  how low dose Aspirin can help your blood pressure and  aide you to carry to newborn to term

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Can you placenta encapsulate if meconium is present?

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You just gave birth to your pride and joy and you want to encapsulate your placenta. However, your placenta is meconium stained, can you still do placenta encapsulation?

  1. Yes
  2. No

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Nurse Jackie at The Birthing Center of NY

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Nurse Jackie birthing center of ny

Register for our Virtual Birthing Classes taught live by Nurse Jackie

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Babies DO come with instructions!

Did you know we have GIFT CERTIFICATES
Your family and friends can give you a loving gift that will last a life time – our gift certificates are perfect for mommies to be, as a maternity and shower gift – they can be used for our birthing classes and of course if you want a natural delivery in our center.

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"Babies DO come with Instructions"

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You are breastfeeding and you find your nipples to be a little cracked ! Nurse Jackies Tip for 7-6-20

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cracked nipples during breastfeeding

What can cause cracked nipples during breast feeding?

Choose the incorrect answer.

  • The baby is not latching on properly
  • You need to reevaluate your sitting position when breast feeding 
  • You are using soap  to wash your breast and that can cause skin cracks in the nipple 
  • It is unknown why the nipples crack,  but it does occur.  This is normal and it is expected to happen.  There is no need to intervene. The nipple will heal! 

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Babies DO come with instructions!

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Your family and friends can give you a loving gift that will last a life time – our gift certificates are perfect for mommies to be, as a maternity and shower gift – they can be used for our birthing classes and of course if you want a natural delivery in our center.

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Nurse Jackie says,
"Babies DO come with Instructions"

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