Your beautiful baby girl is two days old. When you change her diaper you see mucus with a streak of blood from the vagina. Why?
- This is not normal and you should call your pediatrician immediately
- You may have injured the vagina during care and did not realize it
- This is how female babies get rid of the mother’s hormones from their bodies
- This is a reaction to a product you are using when caring for the vaginal area.
Careful- With out new prices classes are filling up quickly- Don’t forget to visit our site and sign up .
Babies DO come with instructions!
Register for our
VIRTUAL Birthing Classes:
- 1 Hr Lactation Support class
- 12 Hr Hypno-Birthing class
- 5 hr 1 Day All inclusive pregnancy class
- 3 hr Childbirth class
- 3 hr Baby Care class
- 3 hr Post Partum Class
- Basic Life Support (BLS) Class
Nurse Jackie says,
"Babies DO come with Instructions"
Thinking about a Natural Child Birth - The Way Nature Intended?
Call 929-888-6996 or email info@nybirthingcenter.com
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