After having your baby, you want to use the placenta for encapsulation. Placental encapsulation is the practice of eating the placenta after it has been steamed, dehydrated, ground and placed into pills. Prior to delivery of your baby the amniotic fluid is noted to be meconium stained. Can you still do encapsulation? What is the correct answer? Do you know?
- No, because the placenta is contaminated and should be sent to pathology.
- If your baby passes meconium prior to birth, it is recommended to do basic heated encapsulation as well as rinsing the placenta in an apple vinegar bath prior to steaming it.
- No specific care of the placenta before doing encapsulated procedure is needed .
- Take antibiotics one week prior to using encapsulated pills.
Editor’s note: There is little research available to either support or oppose the tradition of placental encapsulation. There are a number of proposed benefits of the custom, and limited risks if the placenta is stored correctly and ingested only by the mother. If you feel that placenta encapsulation is right for you, be sure to contact your healthcare provider to receive more information on the proper procedure for it. It is also important to be aware of any laws in your state that make it illegal to remove the placenta from the hospital.
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