You are in active labor for hours and your provider would like to examine you for progress. Which of the following are correct statements?
1-Vaginal exam is not needed because it is uncomfortable and it only satisfies the provider of your labor status
2-Blood supply and oxygen are decreased with each contraction, if allowed to continue without intervention to assist labor to progress it can result in poor newborn outcome, such as cerebral palsy . Vaginal exam would determine your progress and assess if intervention is needed.
3-vagina exam will identify if the infant is in a favorable position for a vaginal delivery and that baby has not turned to another position during your labor.
4-vaginal exam will determine if labor is progressing or if you are taxing the uterus making the uterus work by contracting and no progress is occurring
5-No Vaginal exam is needed because the body is made to deliver, and given time you will deliver without any intervention.
6-A consent is needed for a provider to do a Vaginal exam (at hospital this is usually found on consent form you sign on admission)
7-No consent is needed for a provider to do a Vaginal exam
Correct answer- 2,3,4,6
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