Pregnancy can be a joyful event and yet a bit scary

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In pregnancy you have two types of situations that can occur.  One is an emergency, this is considered a threat to the life or health of you and/or your unborn.  Then you have urgency. This is not an immediate threat but it needs to be addressed quickly. You have discussed your plan of delivery with your provider or midwife.

Choosing below, can you pick out what is an emergency and what is an urgency. Emergency you go to the closest facility and urgency you call your provider to find out the next steps – urgency can turn into emergency quickly in some cases. (always check with your provider).

You need to know the difference, you need to take my class!!

  • You have eaten and have been walking around and yet you have not felt the baby move in the last 2 hours or more.
  • A gush of water from your vagina- the color is very light green
  • A large amount of bright red blood from you vagina and your stomach is hard like a board and you are experiencing pain in the abdomen.
  • You have clear water and good amount of mucus mixed with blood and a unbearable urge to pass stool.
  • Baby is moving fine. You are 32 weeks pregnant, you have contractions that are strong every 4-5 minutes regularly.

Babies DO come with Instructions

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