You just gave birth to a baby with good color, breathing is great, cry is loud and strong and baby is moving about well. Which part of the body should not dried?
- Head
- Back
- Hands
- Legs
Answer: (3) The hands. Amniotic fluid on the hands help baby find the breast. A babys hands have the scent of amniotic fluid on them and will help your baby find her mother’s nipple, which has a similar scent. For this important reason, your baby’s hands should not be dried and, it’s recommended that you do not wash your nipples before your baby breastfeeds.” This is a beautiful experience to watch!
Not sure? Than you need to take our birthing classes – You can register here for our baby care and breast feeding classes -= babies do come with instructions! Did you know we have GIFT CERTIFICATES – Your family and friends can give you a loving gift that will last a life time – our gift certificates are perfect for mommies to be, as a maternity and shower gift – they can be used for our birthing classes and of course if you want a natural delivery in our center.
Register for our
VIRTUAL Birthing Classes:
- 1 Hr Lactation Support class
- 12 Hr Hypno-Birthing class
- 5 hr 1 Day All inclusive pregnancy class
- 3 hr Childbirth class
- 3 hr Baby Care class
- 3 hr Post Partum Class
- Basic Life Support (BLS) Class
Nurse Jackie says,
"Babies DO come with Instructions"
Thinking about a Natural Child Birth - The Way Nature Intended?
Call 929-888-6996 or email info@nybirthingcenter.com
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