The Birthing Center of NY Featured in the Mom Directory

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We wish to thank the Museum of Motherhood & The Mom directory for listing us as a featured birthing center.

M.O.M Directory

About The MOM Museum

Museum of motherhoodThe Museum of Motherhood (M.O.M.) Art Annex is an exhibition and education center dedicated to the exploration of family – past, present, and future, with a focus on mothers, fathers, and families.

M.O.M.’s mission is to start great conversations, feature thought-provoking exhibits, and share information and education. Our aim is to collect, preserve, and disseminate articles, books, artifacts, images, and research on the science, art, and history of all aspects of procreation, birth, and caregiving. We care about those engaged in these activities, and actively promote members of the community interested in the emerging areas of Mother and Father Studies.

M.O.M. is the first and only social change facility of its kind. We do not discriminate, are open to all perspectives, and recognize diversity as a guiding premise.

The museum in its entirety is currently online only, with events throughout the world, as well as strategic Pop Up Exhibits. You can visit the MOM Art Annex in St. Petersburg, Florida by appointment, by RSVPing for one of our events, or through a roommate residency program.

Visit The MOM Museum’s website to learn more and browse their latest exhibitions.