Preparing for a Water Birth

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Water Birth Preparation

Nurse Jackie’ water birth preparation in one of The Birthing Center of NY’s birthing rooms. The birthing tub is purchased and owned by the mommy to be. The birthing rooms under the care of Nurse Jackie are a comfortable, peaceful home-like experience for your natural child birth experience.

The Birthing Center of NY’s modern “concierge 4 star hotel like” birthing rooms offer the option for women to give birth in the water using an inflatable birthing pool. Large windows, soothing music and privacy ensure a relaxed stress free environment for you and your family.

Many women, midwives, and doctors acknowledge the benefits of water and water births.

Some call water “the birth center epidural” and it deserves this name. Water therapy has long been used to sooth pain, relax, and heal. Many women labor more effectively and reduce stress and pain in water.

If you are expecting a child or are planing to become a parent – The Birthing Center of NY can be a great alternative to the sanitized, un-friendly, sometimes frightening experience of a hospital. Contact us today to see if you are a good candidate for our natural childbirth center – LEARN MORE

The preparation of our birthing room for a water birth

Water birth preparation Water birth preparation Water birth preparation Water birth preparation