Our first BLS class was a success! Several participants received their certifications, and of course their free hug from Nurse Jackie. We received some great feedback from the class. Everyone seemed to enjoy the class, some said it was informative, others enjoyed the hands on portion of the training.
Nurse Jackie also made the class fun, at times she tried to trick everyone to make sure we were paying attention. Nurse Jackie’s passion for teaching becomes apparent almost immediately, she loves helping others and she creates a positive environment.
One of the topics we extensively covered was Basics for Infants, which included hands on training using a barrier device and providing ventilation.
Nurse Jackie split the class into groups and has us position ourselves directly above the infant’s head, and we then placed the mask on the victims face using the bridge of the nose as a guide.
Next we used our thumbs and index fingers of one hand to make a “C” to press around the edges of the mask. lastly, we ensured the airway was open and then began delivering ventilation using the bag mask and barrier devices.
She also stressed the importance of not over extending the infant’s head. She constantly reminded us if you tilt or extend an infant’s head beyond the neutral position, the infants airway may become blocked.
Nurse Jackie lastly had us make sure to hold the mask against the face with our thumb and index fingers while using the remaining fingers of that hand to lift the jaw and open the airway..
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