The Basic Life Support Class is offered by Nurse Jackie Chapman RN, a lactation consultant, childbirth specialist & Certified BLS/CPR/AED instructor with over 40 years experience. Her classes are held weekly at the Birthing Center of NY, located at 6700 3rd Avenue, in the heart of South Brooklyn.
1. Are partners required to come to classes or do I need a partner to attend the classes?
This is a question that I am often asked with the simple answer being: No – partners do not need to come.
If you do not have a support person to assist you, it’s alright, you can still attend any class we offer. If you do not have a partner or want a partner to help you, we can refer you to a Doula or I can stand in for you. Your pregnancy, your choice.
2. What philosophy/method of childbirth class do you teach?
Our birthing classes incorporate the best aspects of popular methods (e.g. Bradley, Lamaze, Hypnobirthing) and integrate insights from Nurse Jackie’s many years of experience. Clients explore a variety of pain-coping and labor strategies in order to identify the ones most instinctive to each person. Classes prepare you for the variety of birth scenarios you may experience such as a natural and unmedicated birth, and helps you understand common interventions, pain medications, complications, and cesarean birth. Clients learn how to know the difference between necessary and unnecessary medical interventions. Additionally, our classes include postpartum classes, including breastfeeding classes and newborn baby training using holistic/natural tips.
3. Does everyone need to take a childbirth class?
A good class prepares you for childbirth in several important ways that a book or video simply cannot match. Our culture often propagates the myth that childbirth is a medical emergency, rather than presenting positive views on this natural process. It is immensely helpful for (an) expectant parent(s) to seek out teaching that normalizes childbirth. By becoming well-informed and re-framing existing personal perspectives on the birthing process, an expectant parent can reduce his/her fear and anxiety and will be more likely to have a positive birthing experience. Our childbirth classes offer relevant real world information that books often miss entirely. In a class, expectant parents have the opportunity to process their feelings, express concerns, and ask questions. A classroom setting also provides an opportunity to develop community with other expectant parents – some of whom may become lifelong family friends.
4. Are childbirth classes only for people planning a natural birth?
Childbirth class’s are for every pregnant parent and their partner and or your Douala/midwife (limited to 2 individuals per family – Douala’s and midwives pay an additional fee). The objective is to help expectant parents manage their expectations regarding the possible scenarios of labor/birth and provide them the tools to make informed and intuitive choices along the way.
5. What is The Birthing Center of NY difference?
The quality of a childbirth class depends on two things: the effectiveness of the instructor and the scope of information provided. Hospital classes are often taught by nurses who might not have extensive childbirth education training and really don’t have the “heart” or drive to effectively guide parents – its just their job duties. In addition, many hospital-based classes are large, brief sessions geared toward preparing you for the routines and procedures at their hospital.
All too often teach you how to be a “good hospital patient”. At the Birthing Center of NY, our classes are small and cover an extensive array of pain-coping techniques and hands-on practice, and provide information on a wide range of issues, preparing expectant parents to make informed and intuitive choices in their labors. This leads to a more fulfilling and empowering birth experience. We can offer more personalized teaching & guidance than is available in most hospital birth classes. Also, many hospital courses do not include breastfeeding training, babycare training, and postpartum care in their childbirth education class but offer those subjects separately, so hospital classes can end up costing you more money in the end. Finally, many of our students have mentioned how thankful they were to take the class in our welcoming, warm environment rather than in a clinical, less comfortable space.
Doula’s, midwives and “mothers” often believe their limited experience is a good measure for them to teach others – most are sincere and caring but lack the experience and clinical training to really give you an in depth understanding often offering advise based upon their provincial self-experience. Few can match a truly “seen all” 35+ years experienced, certified educator as our Nurse Jackie!
Meet Nurse Jackie
Nurse Jackie is: caring, patient, loving, comforting, empowering, at times funny, realistic, sensible, concerned, available, experienced, informed, certified, unique, welcoming, warm, unique, trained and compassionate – WOW! Nurse Jackie is an “experience” your must experience!
Nurse Jackie’s unique approach to teaching allows you to empower and prepare yourself for your birth – no one else compares!
6. When is the best time to take a childbirth class?
While you can take a childbirth education class as early or late as you like in your pregnancy, most choose to take a class at some point in their third trimester so the information is fresh when labor/birth day comes. Try to complete the class by your 36th week of pregnancy.
7. Do you offer private instruction?
YES – We offer private and group classes – call us for availability of our private classes. We have the best birthing classes in NYC & birthing classes in Brooklyn.
8. Does insurance cover the class?
Some do, some only partial. You should call your insurance company and inquire. You will be responsible for collecting from your insurance company. The Birthing Center of NY accepts, Cash, Check and Credit Card.
9. Why should I pay for your birthing classes instead of just doing the free one my hospital offers, or what I can read and learn on the internet?
This is a common question when it comes to paying for childbirth education that falls outside of your free hospital classes. So what makes this course so much different?
Well its been said: “FREE is a 4 Letter Word” – do you really believe anything for free will be as “good” as a paid service? Lets be realistic. A FREE cup of coffee is great but a FREE course that helps bring your baby into the world probably wont give you all the information you need – why take a chance.
Our classes are priced affordable and wont put a dent in your pocket – think of it as a cup of gourmet coffee a day for a week to pay for your class.
It has been designed by me, Nurse Jackie with over 35 years of experience; someone who has never had a single transfer from home to hospital due to a woman being unable to handle the sensations of normal labor in any of the births she has attended. I’ve taken everything I’ve learned, trained and supported thousands of women with in my private practice and I’ve poured all of my love, passion, knowledge and experience into creating something truly special for you – I am worth the money!
I designed these lessons to cover everything you can possibly imagine, including preparing your mind, empowering yourself by learning and practicing the techniques of coping and relaxation, through to the physical aspects of labor and birth, and on into postpartum support and breastfeeding support. I cover how to tap into your strength, your power and your joy, so that you can not only ROCK but also LOVE your journey however it unfolds, whatever challenges you may face – I am worth the money!
Your hospital classes will cover the bare minimum of what you need to know about the mechanics of giving birth, touch briefly on how to deal with it, and talk more about epidurals and cesarean births.
Most independent childbirth courses focus exclusively on the processes of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum, and don’t go into much depth about everything in your life that has come before that will affect how you experience these things, as well as how these things will change you who are fundamentally. They don’t necessarily focus on YOU as a whole, but you as a pregnant human being. They don’t usually focus on how you can birth with pleasure, tap into your sensuality and capabilities as a women, and really treasure your experience however it plays out. This all impacts childbearing and having a safe, deeply positive, rewarding, trans formative and even joyful experience. Did I mention I am worth the money?
10. I’m having a private obstetrician attend my birth, won’t they tell me everything I need to know?
She did it!
Obstetricians are amazing at what they do and are who you want on hand if something goes wrong that medical/surgical intervention is needed. Physicians are trained to provide medical care and guidance during your pregnancy with a hospital birth in mind. Few OBGYN’s advocate a natural non-hospital childbirth. This is changing as more and more women are requesting natural births. Hence, your physician may not work with you on pursuing a natural birth, advocate for a hospital birth and during your labor may make judgment calls for caesarean or other procedures other than your wish for a natural child birth. Hence, the more you understand about your pregnancy and know what to expect, the more informed choices you can make. At our birthing center, all our OBGYN’s advocate for and have experience in natural births either in a hospital or birthing center. Non of this overrides your physicians goal of a safe birth and you should never ignore and always comply with their requests if they feel you or your baby are in any form of danger.
11. I’ve read some books, is it really necessary to do a childbirth class?
Yes! Books are great. Definitely read what interests you and what makes you excited. The difference with doing my childbirth classes is that you are guided by a professional through your journey and are given the tools necessary for really preparing yourself for the unknowns of labor, childbirth and beyond as best that you can. Reading can only give you so much information – nothing can take the place of qualified instructional guidance.
12. I really want a natural birth but am afraid of pain. How will this help prepare me?
Pain is inevitable in childbirth – understanding the pain, how to manage your body positions, breathing, good support from your loved ones and labor helpers makes the pain manageable. What is frightening and makes the perception of pain more intense is NOT knowing what to expect. Nurse Jackie does her best to prepare and guide you through those moments. With her you will understand what pain you may experience – remember not all women experience the same intensity of pain during delivery.
Nurse Jackie’s repeated practice of learned coping and relaxation techniques are intuitive and allows you to tap into them during labor. Her unique technique prepares you mentally for the sensations of childbirth. Nurse Jackie’s techniques helps you through labor, birth and beyond.
Working through common worries and concerns helps you be prepared for your birth. Understanding what your mind, heart and body experience during each stage of labor helps alleviate fear and possibly lessen the pain of childbirth. Understanding + preparation equals managed pain.
13. What should I wear to class?
Dress comfortably in clothes that will allow you to move freely and practice different labor positions.
14. What should I bring to class?
Bring 2 pillows and anything that will help you to feel comfortable while in class. We have water, tea, and coffee!
15. What is your payment/cancellation policy?
Please notify us if you will be unable to attend a class, 24 hours prior to the start of class. We can reschedule or refund your deposit. All classes require a deposit to hold your spot (50% of charge). Missed or cancelling same day for private classes are non refundable (nurse Jackie has final say and discretion).
If you miss the class or give us less than 24 hrs notice – we do not refund your deposit but we will reschedule you one more time. After that all deposits are non-refundable should you miss again.
Nurse Jackie says:
Understand and work with the natural sensations of your body. Connect with your inner calm, relax yourself, relieve stressful and fearful thoughts. Set clear boundaries but understand, listen and heed the advise of professionals when they feel yourself and baby may be in danger. The goal is a healthy baby and mother, nature may not be in agreement with your wishes.
Your birth should be a celebration of life! Knowing what to expect, managing your expectations and understanding what will happen during each normal phase of delivery empowers you to experience your birth as the wonderful experience it is no matter how it happens.
Your baby, body and practitioner know what do you – with your classes you will to – Register Today!
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